ten commandments?
the bible?
the robe?
the last temptation of christ?
the passion?
the exorcist?
which one? why?
by nowisee 38 Replies latest jw friends
I can't say I have watched any really religous movies except kingdom to heaven
But I remember when I was going to meetings how everyone just RAVED about the 'how to make real friends' video.
Faithfully I got my copy. Two weeks ago I was cleaning out my warddrobe and found it at the back still in its plastic wrapping... he he he
Dub some Porn over it and 'donate' it back to the local cong. Anonymously(sp) of course.
I saw The Shoes of the Fisherman when I was a kid and loved it. My mother and grandmother liked it, too. I loved Dogma. Jesus Christ Superstar was fun and thought provoking.
We watched the Ten Commandments in the past year and laughed so hard at the rinky dink special affects and over acting by Charlton Heston. I can't believe I thought the movie was so amazing when I was a kid.