Has anybody launched a preemptive strike so to say on the witnesses and shunned them before they shunned you?
Reverse Shunning
by JV 17 Replies latest jw friends
Not yet, but I have a few people in mind that I wouldn't mind trying that on
No, and I never will.
Why do to other people the very same thing that they may attempt to do, and have done, to us, and for which we (justifiably, imho) despise them?
However, the mere "threat" of reverse shunning can produce certain advantages that lead to continued (though, admittedly, "off the record") discussions.
But that isn't the way the WTS is heading right now. I can provide a very recent example, if it would be of any benefit to this discussion.
I guess if you know that people are going to shun you and you know it's coming, mabey it might soften the blow alittle
Now What?
I have already said that I will love my friends regardless of what some organization says, that I never gave up the right to decide for myself who I can speak to. However if they wish to surrender that right, that is their choice, but I will love them anyways, regardless of how they treat me in public. Oddly enough, this seems to cut deeper than if I did shun them.
Why shun them? why not do the opposite like chasing after tham trying to hug them
that would annoy them
I prefer "un-shunning". I don't go out of my way to speak to those I wasn't close to anyway. But if I see an old friend, I go up and give them a hug. One friend hung onto me for a full 20 seconds or so and whispered that she loved me and missed me. I whispered back, "I'm right here. I didn't go anywhere."
mjs mouse, ben
Yes I do it quite a bit, either by not "noticing" them, or one time I saw this witness that I used to work with who in fact, was the cause of me being laid off a job one time, he saw me in a local shopping center, I was with my "true" friends and he was with a few witness "friends" , he approached me, introducing me to his entourage, acting very happy to see me, after his introduction, I looked him square in the eye and said, "do I know you?" and he was like, yes its me "John", I again looked at him and said , "nah I dont think I know you, you got to be crazy or something" anyway that burst his happy bubble, cuz I knew he was just trying to impress his witness friends by doing a little preaching to me........ I screwed him this time and I didnt bring any vaseline with me either!
onacruise, please give your example im intriged !
But that isn't the way the WTS is heading right now. I can provide a very recent example, if it would be of any benefit to this discussion.