Hi Steph,
Did you graduate:
a) magno cum levamento
b) stimulo parentali
c) cum gradibus quam minimis
d) interventu divino
e) in stupore
f) in oculo porci
g) in alto stercore?
PS I take Steph's comments cum grano salis.
Pope Scot
by dunsscot 22 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Steph,
Did you graduate:
a) magno cum levamento
b) stimulo parentali
c) cum gradibus quam minimis
d) interventu divino
e) in stupore
f) in oculo porci
g) in alto stercore?
PS I take Steph's comments cum grano salis.
Pope Scot
Nun 'yo beezwax, Yankee!
:Nun 'yo beezwax, Yankee!:
Well, I think you graduated cum gradibus quam minimis. That means: "with the lowest possible GPA."
Duns the Scot
"Nobody is taller than himself or herself."
Dag nab it anyway! Get back to them there books a yourn. I have been waiting with baited breath for your determinism comments. Also, I just added some Watchtower quotes to the Russell thread (Charles, not Bertrand) for your edification and delight.
Hi Ho Silver, awaaaaaaaay.
Dag nab it anyway! Get back to them there books a yourn. I have been waiting with baited breath for your determinism comments. Also, I just added some Watchtower quotes to the Russell thread (Charles, not Bertrand) for your edification and delight.:
I'll comment on the WT quotes today. But it will be tomorrow before I get the books I need. I do not have time to run by the library today. I'm just posting a little before work.
Duns the Scot
"Nobody is taller than himself or herself."
Here is one of my favorite lines from Catullus:
Vivamus, mea Lesbia, atque amemus, rumoresque senum severiorum omnes unius aestimemus assis!
P.S. Note the use of the jussive subjunctive in the first line.
Duns the Scot
"Nobody is taller than himself or herself."
How about somebody translating this stuff. I don't give a damn about learning Latin, but I do read most threads and I want to know what you poeple are saying to each other.
"Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford
I'll give it a try, Jayhawk.
Dunsscot was joking about how Stephanus graduated. One way is "magna cum laude," with great praise, or with high honors. Dunsscot suggested:
magno cum levamento = with great pity
simulo parentali = goaded by his parents
cum gradibus quam minimis = Dunsscot's translation, with the lowest possible G.P.A.
interventu divino = [with] divine intervention
in stupore = in a stupor
in oculo porci = in a pig's eye
in alto stercore = in deep shit
He takes Stephanus's comments cum grano salis, with a grain of salt.
My bumper stickers said, "If Caesar were alive, you'd be chained to an oar" and "May faulty logic undermine your entire philosophy."
Duns then quoted, "Let us live, my Lesbia, and let us love, and let us count the opinion of censurious old men as a penny."
Semper ubi sub ubi. (Bad pun--"Always where under where.")
P.S. Valete in Dunsscot's closing means farewell.
(Don't ask me. I just work here.)
Thanks Ginny my public education did not come with Latin lessons.
"Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford