I'm just numb! :-( I need to vent!

by caz 33 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Es

    So sorry to hear bout this....absolutely terrible what the elders did...


  • alw

    Welcome to the board Caz - thinking of you and your family - disgraceful behaviour!!!! alw

  • TheListener

    Caz, this is terrible. I sometimes can't even believe how heartless the friends can be. It's as if their brains are switched off to human suffering.

    Thank you for sharing your story. Hopefully it will unburden you a little.

    Welcome to the board. I hope your family can support one another and has other friends who can lend a hand.

    Good luck.

  • jt stumbler
    jt stumbler

    Welcome. Its always good to vent. I felt similar when my father was passing away. Also I think that the reason they conduct services for ones that are dissassociated for whatever reason is to "give a witness".

  • Andrea Wideman
    Andrea Wideman

    I am so sorry to hear of you and your family's loss. That was just shameful behaviour on the part of the JW's.

  • tijkmo

    caz...sorry to hear about your experience...sorry but not surprised...like so many previous comments..

    when i was df-ed (wrongly) and was suicidal i went to the chairman of my commitee after having another letter requesting reinstatement ignored to tell him that i was suicidal because of the action they were taking by believing slanderous lies and that their refusal to believe me meant i couldnt get any help from my family or friends...his (tony boyland) response..."well other people seem to manage"


  • Jankyn

    Dear Caz,

    I'm so sorry for your family's loss, and for the way more pain is piled on top by the cold behavior of the JWs. ((((hugs))))

    I'm with Gary. The JWs may not cause the problems, but they sure as hell don't help solve them, and they often make them worse.



  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours



  • twinflame

    My condolences for your family's tragedy. I am appalled but not surprised. There is no condoning of actions like these and here you will find warmth and understanding. Welcome!

  • dedpoet

    Welcome Caz

    My condolences on your loss

    The jws behaved disgracefully and, sad to say, not untypically

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