The Shunning Song-On the Turning Away

by Seven 19 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Seven

    On the turning away
    From the pale and downtrodden,
    And the words they say
    Which we won't understand.
    Don't accept that what's happening
    Is just a case of others' suffering
    Or you'll find that you're joining in
    The turning away
    It's a sin that somehow
    Light is changing to shadow
    And casting it's shroud
    Over all we have known
    Unaware how the ranks have grown
    Driven on by a heart of stone
    We could find that we're all alone
    In the dream of the proud
    On the wings of the night
    As the daytime is stirring
    Where the speechless unite
    In a silent accord
    Using words you will find are strange
    And mesmerised as they light the flame
    Feel the new wind of change
    On the wings of the night
    No more turning away
    From the weak and the weary
    No more turning away
    From the coldness inside
    Just a world that we all must share
    It's not enough just to stand and stare
    Is it only a dream that there'll be
    No more turning away?
    -Pink Floyd

    Edited by - sevenofnine on 22 September 2000 21:34:41

  • AhHah


    I like these lyrics. I have come back and read them several times, but I don't remember hearing the song. I have most of Floyd -- what song and album is it from?

    I would also be interested to hear what it means to you -- how you relate to it.

    "Shine on you crazy diamond."

  • Seven

    A Momentary Lapse of Reason(orig. recording remastered) 1987.

    Is it only a dream that they'll be no more turning away?

    Yes, it's nothing more than a dream.

  • Pathofthorns

    "Shine on You Crazy Diamond"

    -interesting selection

    An interesting group. I think most people identify with the lyrics. We make them to mean whatever we want them to mean. To me they are all about life, and whether you are or were, or never were a Witness, disappointments, lies, failed dreams, the fears, the selling out, the getting old and dying, are all part of life.

    The way I see it, lyrics of alot of the crap I listen to show that we're all in the same boat, and if I wasn't dealing with these things, I'd be coping with something else.

    Us and them
    And after all we're only ordinary men
    Me and you
    God only knows
    It's not what we would choose to do


  • AhHah

    Thanks Seven,

    I have the CD album. I'll give that song a listen again.

    My heart went out to you when I read your brief, but telling answer to what it means to you. I sense such despair from you -- indeed, I believe that we all continue to feel that way from time to time. Especially when circumstances require that we have dealings with those who would just "turn away". (I did just yesterday.)

    Yes, it IS a sin that "somehow light is changing to shadow". However, even if the "new wind of change on the wings of the night" proves to be "only a dream", do not despair, Seven! You are creating a new wind of change in your life and bringing that refreshing change to all you meet. Your posts have given us a glimpse of a deep, kind and honest-hearted person who has much to offer.

    I believe that JW's are conditioned to seek happiness and fulfillment from outside of their personal experience and to view themselves as helpless slaves of despair, trying to wait out the "old world" -- like the children pictured in the video of Pink Floyd's "The Wall", standing on the moving conveyor belt, waiting to be dumped into the meat grinder. Once we step off of the conveyor belt, we are often all alone for a time, until we find our personal way to shine.

    I believe that it is healthy when we take complete responsibility for our lives and our own happiness. Your previous posts have mentioned volunteer work with children I believe. I am sure that must bring much happiness and fulfillment. I believe that when we find even small ways each day to bring happiness to others, our lives our enhanced tremendously. Each morning we arise to a day of paradise, if that is what we make of it. We can become involved in making our world, our universe, the place that we wish it to be. We may not be able to change the whole world, but that does not mean that it is not worth changing those things that we can.

    You may have noticed that this philosophy toward life is contagious. When an individual makes these honest efforts, it inspires others to rise to the occasion. After a time, one finds that one is becoming increasingly surrounded by individuals that feel the same. Once in a great while, an individual comes along who inspires an entire culture to rise above their circumstances. But it starts with an individual effort. The individual IS important! YOU are important! You have already added much to the lives of those who read posts on this forum.

    I believe that God wants us to use our gifts and share those things that we are passionate about. I believe that is what life is all about. Life is about today, not tomorrow or yesterday! I truly believe that we can be happy when we view each day as its own reward. A loving God will not let those efforts go unrewarded. In the meantime, we can create a little bit of paradise every day.

    Edited by - AhHah on 25 September 2000 20:6:49

    Edited by - AhHah on 25 September 2000 20:8:11

  • Seven

    AhHah, After reading your post I was a little less
    lonesome today for the way things used to be. It was very encouraging. Thanks from the heart.

  • AhHah


    I totally agree that everyone must deal with life's disappointments and challenges at times. Although some face more dire circumstances than others, we all must find a way to cope.

    So much music speaks to the human condition, as the artists attempt to give voice to what so many of us are experiencing. There is a strange, melancholy reassurance that comes from knowing that others feel what we do, sad as it may be.

    At some point, however, I believe that we must refuse to be comforted in this way only, in sad resignation to our collective suffering. At some point, we must also find our personal way of bringing hope, beauty and love to our lives.

    Fortunately, there is also music that speaks to these emotions as well.

    However, there are times when we simply must grieve or cry because we care so much. I believe that we are better prepared to move on when we allow ourselves the necessary freedom to grieve (instead of feeling guilty about it, as though we are somehow immune, and that if we grieve it is an indictment of our spirituality or self-worth).

    Acceptance, not denial, is, I believe, the key to coping in a healthy way. As you know by now, I believe that much of religion is about denial.

    I am still very hopeful for myself and for mankind. Our very need and ability to discuss these important issues makes me believe that revelations of universal truth await us all.

    Edited by - AhHah on 25 September 2000 17:20:27

  • AhHah


    I am so happy that I could bring some encouragement. I believe that all of us have so much to give.

    Isn't it amazing what miracles of nature bloom from one gentle spring rain? We all need to be encouraged, we all need to be validated, we all need to know that others appreciate us -- that their life is better for knowing us.

    I believe that God's gifts to humanity are living inside every one of us and that our need to believe is proof that he exists and that he cares about every one of us.

    Edited by - AhHah on 25 September 2000 17:35:59

  • Seven

    AhHah and Puppylove, Since this is Simon's first anniversary I've spent much of the morning reading some of our blasts from the past. I found this and thought of you two and hope all is well. So many changes for the better over the past year for most of us. Stop by and let us know what you've been up to.


  • AhHah

    Dear Seven,

    Thank you so much for your inquiry! I was genuinely touched by your kind remembrance. I reviewed this entire post. Such beautiful and heartfelt expressions! This, to me, was a genuine reaching out, a true fellowship. It made me a little melancholy to recall how comforted I used to feel by being able to share so much with you and, what at the time, was just a handful of others. Fortunately, I had email notification for responses on this post, as I only visit occasionally. I hardly recognize this place now!

    Puppylove and I are doing just fine. We are so grateful to be on this journey together. We are still in the process of "charting our new course" together. As another old-timer (was it Xandit?) posted here in what seems like a long time ago, we are enjoying living and we are less focused on being ex-JWs.

    Lately, I have been reaching out (writing) to one of my sisters who left the JW's a long time ago. The effort has been rewarded. I am beginning to truly know my sister for the first time. Another silver lining on the black cloud!

    Let me take this opportunity to thank you and so many others for all of your kind words and encouragement on this forum. You all helped me along in my emotional healing process. You patiently waded through my wordy emails as I attempted to find myself again (or should I say for the first time)? Like so many here, the loss of friends and family was the high price I paid for following my conscience. The real feeling of fellowship that I found here was priceless.

    In the process of baring my soul here and sharing knowledge that was important to my spiritual liberation, the reactions of some also helped me to learn some important lessons. As is the case with most criticism, there was a measure of truth in some of the criticism that I received here. I have tried to learn from it and adjust my personality. I try to moderate the way that I react to others with a different opinion and the way I feel about their need to believe as they do and their freedom to believe and express themselves as they wish. Even when not treated with the same courtesy, there is great benefit to oneself in treating others this way. So, for these lessons I am also grateful.

    I realize that many here continue to reach out to others and I am glad to see it. So much going on "in one room" though, it seems to take a while to find posts that one relates to.

    Well, this turned out to be another of my long-winded posts didn't it? Seven, let me say again how much it meant to hear from you. Let me also thank Waiting for her encouragement to keep posting here. You "old-timers" (or should I say Jedi's) are a special group and I love you.

    AhHah (


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