Any respect for organized religion ?

by friendorfoe 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • friendorfoe

    I was wondering other peoples views on organized religion since they left the organization ?
    Me personally I think all religions started off with one mans interpatation of the bible and i'm not going there again.

  • Esmeralda

    Hi Friendorfoe,

    I have to say that I'm in the same camp you are. Every religion that I've had interest in, Christian or not, when it comes to the organization and leadership part, I find I just can't tolerate it.

    After the Borg, I can't ever see myself belonging to an organized religion again, and that's just fine by me. I don't feel a need for it.

    interesting subject...


  • Prisca

    I doubt I could be a member of any organised religion ever again, but I do believe that there are some groups that, if they promote love for neighbour, and care about disadvantaged groups in society, have the right to exist and be a part of our community, even if they do profess belief in a diety.

  • friendorfoe

    Thanks for your reply Esmeralda its something i've wondered about for a while but don't knoe to many ex j.w.'s and i was hoping I wasn't the exception.

  • friendorfoe

    Prisca I have enjoyed reading alot of your replys since I got on this board a week ago were you a prcticing j.w. in vatican city and if so what was that like?

  • Francois

    Like the others, I could never be a member of an organized religion ever again - not for the purpose of spiritual development. As far as I'm concerned, religion is a social club; people who have similar beliefs all get together and form a club and make rules and the whole shot.

    I could be a member of a liberal social club and use it for social interaction. But I could never, never, ever take the rules of any social club as being necessary for my spiritual growth ever again.


    NOTE TO GOVERNING BODY: You've been challenged to a debate, boys. Dont you have ANY balls?

  • Prisca

    Hi friendorfoe,

    I was once a practising JW, been inactive for 3 yrs now.

    I don't really live in the Vatican, nor anywhere near it. I just chose the location for fun. I'm an Aussie, so that will explain my weird humour!

    But I have visited the Vatican, and I have to say St Peters Cathedral is a really religious experience. It's quite awe inspiring, and Michelangelo's art works (as well as those of Raphael, Da Vinci etc) would astound you!

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    As JWs, we are so used to slander of the other Christian faiths that we think the WBTS is some special organization with insight. I have found that it's doctrine is wholly false and none of it is worth anything exceptthe attitude toward good morality and clean living.
    I have found out that there is REAL Christianity and a relationship with Christ out here. It's thriving, vibrant and spirit-filled worship leaves the Watchtower way behind.
    I recommend that you take the time to investigate any evangelical church after praying to God for His help and direction. Do you have any friends who are born-again Christians? Remember, 'organized' churches are not Christianity, they are only a means to meet and fellowship, disciple one another, work toward common goals.
    Don't expect them to be perfect or have all the doctrine you think is right. Find out what they believe and why, see how they treat others and each other. Reach out and someone will meet you halfway....
    We a church that has no authoritarian group lording it over the congregations. Each congo is able to go off on it's own if the national body goes wacky on something or other.
    I advise that to anyone reading this reply and my e-mail box is always open.
    May God guide your steps!

  • teejay

    Hello, friendorfoe, and welcome to the board!

    I don't think any religion that's organized can be true. Organizations, by their very nature, tend to muck things up, regardless of their interests or base. I think it was Judge Rutherford who said that "religion is a snare and a racket." It may be the only truth he ever spoke. He was right on.

    In my opinion, ALL organized religions are corrupt, the only difference is in what degree.



    You mean you DON'T live at Vatican City?

    And here I spent all this time thinking that you did!! I guess I will have to re-evaluate everything I thought about you!! Oh well...


  • Flip

    Actually, I rate on a scale of ten, religious organization’s character based on the ratio between fair and useful charities or programs they sponsor and how much money, man/womanpower and influence they have at their disposal.

    With zero being the absolute lowest on the scale, the WTB&TS serves as the benchmark rather than the Seventh Day Adventists “Branch Davidians”, or “Heavens Gate” cult and followers of “Jim Jones” which didn't make the cut because these groups are considered complete idiots when it came to accumulating wealth.


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