Does anyone know of a good church I could go to?

by Andrea Wideman 38 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jgnat

    I'd rate the Vineyard as hardcore evangelical here in town, too. Think holy rollers with electric guitars. And this is Canada.

  • pmouse

    I personally like the Unity Churches. I got more positive upbeat and sensible use of the Bible from that group than many others. On a side note, they do delve into the metaphysical side of things which in my opinion gives it an interesting twist.

  • Navigator

    I second what pmouse said. The Unity Churches are not at all dogmatic and are very accepting of folks from a wide variety of backgrounds. They focus on the metaphysical interpretation of the bible and are open to spiritual healing.

  • poppers

    If you are looking for fellowship, why not look for fellowship in nature? In nature there is no judgment, no condemnation, no dispute, no opposition - there is serene companionship calling you to rediscover the truth of your being. What more could one want than that?

  • the_classicist

    Episcopalian, aka Anglican. They have history and they're very pluralistic (nowadays and in North America and England at least).

  • findingmyway

    I've been attending the "Church of Christ" for the past 2 months. It is non-denominational and, so far, the message doesn't extend past the bible. The same preacher preaches every sunday and I enjoy hearing him teach from the bible. His energy is great! There is not choir and the congregation sings together. I only go to hear the sermon. I usually try to show up late enough to miss the "call to worship" -- the part where people get up and share their woes and ask for prayers -- and leave early enough to miss the offering and communion. I haven't connected with anyone there because I'm not ready to reveal myself to anyone and to let anyone in, but I may start doing that by attending a bible class or a women's worship.

    It's not drudgery, it's not something I do to make anyone happy. It's my desire to go there and learn and sing and pray with other people about a God I love and that loves me. It's a very healing thing for me. A great way to start my week!

    Andi: I feel the same way you do about worshipping. Although I am not completely integrated, I do miss it when I don't go.

    I have been attending the Church of Christ in my local area. They have congregations in countries all over the world. There is a directory on this page if you're interested in finding one in your area.

  • blondie

    First, I think you have to have a sound knowledge and investigated thoroughly what you believe about the Bible, your basics, what you will not compromise.

    Then check into the churches in your area, those associated with national churches and local, independent churches.

    Also, there is the idea of meeting with a small group in your home, like-minded individuals sometimes called a "home church."

    While I'm not endorsing the websites below, it is a general idea of what some have done in regard to home churches.


  • tetrapod.sapien

    vineyard church? if they serve wine, i'll go.


    why does it have to be christian based? really, if there is a loving god, he loves everyone. everyone is beautiful to him if they are searching.

    i think as far as religions go, buddhists really have it going on.

    but, i am liking the idea of rastafarianism this evening. (wink wink )


  • chrissy

    i'll give another shout out to unity churches if you are an open-minded spiritual person seeking a sort of alternative outlet for your spiritual side. i went to a unity church a few years ago and it didnt make me feel uncomfortable.

    at the one i went to, they were into holding hands and sitting in circles outside in the grass and just talking about random stuff...also they were really eco-friendly but that could vary i guess. the one i attended was in washington dc.

  • findingmyway

    That's interesting Chrissy. I live in DC. Do you get here from Washington State very often?

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