Did you feel religious

by vitty 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    Yes, very much so, I was very proud of myself and my faith. Not a whole lot has changed. I am still proud of my choices in life, including my time as a Witness, after all, all the days from my birth to today, make up ME and I like the ME I am very much.

  • mann377

    I had to many questions (about the WTBS beliefs) that made me feel uncomfortable in calling myself a christian.

  • Plummet

    No. Never really felt Christian or Religious, just privileged. Privileged that I was one of the few that would survive mankind's annihilation kind of like the way a rich kid might feel knowing that their going to inherit the family business empire.

    I also felt privileged because I got to run the mics, take care of subscriptions, count contributions and run the sound booth.

  • poppers

    No matter what one's religious affiliation is, when there is a feeling of being "religious" there is just another layer of delusion being created which further separates you from reality.

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