A brief History of Me...

by Truth.Seeker 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Truth.Seeker

    I was studying with Jehovah's Witnesses during my college years. I found that they somehow was able to make me understand many of the meanings from the bible that I had never understood before. I had a clearer sight of what it was to walk as a Christian. I became very zealous for doing things that the bible instructed me to do and preaching this good news of God's Kingdom to everyone I came into contact with. How joyful I was to tell others about the wonderful things that were in store for them after all of the wickedness was taken away. I met many people who listened and wanted to learn more and some who were a bit skeptical, while some were very belligerent and did not want anything to do with God.

    Fast forward several years and I was working my life into something that I would be able to say that I had a clean conscience before my God. I married a wonderful girl who was exactly what I had prayed for. Someone who came from the same background as I did and was not "raised in the truth" as the saying goes for those children who were raised as JW's. Because my father traveled frequently during my childhood years, I was sent to any church that would come and pick us up, or to my parents, take us away for a few hours every Sunday. I went to some very interesting churches and learned some about people and a little bit about God. It was usually the same principles taught just about everywhere I went.

    Well times goes by and we have two beautiful children. I am blessed by my God and continue to do the things that I was taught.

    The internet is a funny thing. It can open your eyes to some intriguing thoughts or mislead you into some wayward path. Discretion and testing must be used for everything that comes off of the net. Well, it appears that many people have done some digging into the past and not so distant past of that organization’s leadership which I claim to be a part of. Some of the findings showed that the leadership acted in a way that betrayed their teachings. Like when someone says, “Do as I say, not as I do.” This was a bit disheartening. I was taught to accept all things taught as the Truth, without questions, for fear of being disfellowshipped. And yet the bible teaches us to test out everything to see whether or not it comes from God.

    A quandary is now present everywhere I turn. Being at the meetings, I know and believe in my heart that I go to learn about God and worship Him and Praise Him with songs and prayers. But I also know that those who are in a leadership position have done things that they have not acknowledged, nor even apologized for. Instead, they have dismissed it as being insignificant. I am having trouble coming to terms with that. Somehow I know that things like this have happened to God’s chosen people of the past and I reason, why should today be any different. The Jehovah’s Witnesses claim to have the “Truth” and I believe that they are the closest to it than others that I have studied. But yet, I know that these are just sinful men who do make mistakes and God will deal with them on his timescale. Why should today’s governing body be any different from the high priests of the ancient Israelites who sinned against God and were punished in due time. I keep telling myself that and that I should be patient but continue my worship.

    I have made mistakes and I was taught that I should go before the elders and lay my sins so that the older men who were spiritually wise would pray for me on my behalf as they would have a better standing before Jehovah. I also thought that if anyone should sin, they too should do the same thing. However, it appears that some think or feel that they are above the Law.

    Reading through the bible I learned that just because a King was evil did not mean that all of the inhabitants of that kingdom were evil, many still clung to what was good and kept doing good in God’s Eyes. And the opposite was true, if there was a good King, not everyone was practicing ‘good’. So as today when people in the leadership positions of the Jehovah’s Witnesses do sin against God, it does not mean that the entire believers are also doing what is bad. It means that some were drawn out and tempted, but not beyond what they could endure, and failed the test. Jehovah is a loving God who wants people to forget their sinful ways and do what is ‘good’. It’s just that now, I am very carefully testing everything I read and am taught to ensure that it does follow God’s word and does not go against it. I keep in close contact with Jehovah through prayer through Jesus for help in understanding what I hear, read and see. I also pray for patience regarding these bad things and for protection from them for me and my family.

  • kls

    Welcome Truth, seeker. You seem to be having the battle of worring if the jws are the real thing yet in your heart you know they don't. Stick around ,there are so many here that will help you with questions.

  • candidlynuts

    hi truth seeker , welcome

    if you are still benefiting spiritually by going to the kingdom hall, then by all means go. you sound like your a thinking man who would recognize if your spiritual growth in your heart was faltering, you seem sincere that your priorty is your relationship with God not an organization.

  • Cygnus
    The internet is a funny thing.

    Funny, how? How is it funny? You know what you said? Does it amuse you? Make you laugh? What's so funny about it? Come on, tell me. What is SO FUNNY about the internet? You might be genuine but you don't sound/write like any JW I've ever come across.

  • bennyk

    Cordial welcome, Truth.Seeker!!!

    Most of us have been where you are now. The fact that you are willing to take responsibility for your beliefs, rather than simply accepting what you have been told as "Truth", is very commendable. No doubt you will encounter certain challenges in the immediate future as you continue your seeking of truth, but feel assured that you will find many blessings as well.

    Might I suggest you take a peek at "quotes.watchtower.ca"? Perhaps it will help you get a somewhat different perspective regarding the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. Nothing "apostate" there, only quotes from the Society's publications....

  • Nellie

    Welcome. Although we all live different lives, I believe we all (or most of us) have been exactly where you are standing. In some respects it appears we have some things in common - I didn't come to this site looking for dirt or with an "apostate" heart. I have been in the Truth for 35 years, and during that time always wanted more info about the history/past of the organization. I loved the Kingdom Proclaimers book and wanted more. THAT was my motivation.

    Honestly, two, five, ten years ago - I wouldn't have had the guts to come to a site like this. But life happens and my personal maturity allowed me to exercise the God given freedom to find the courage to look. Needless to say, I didn't expect to find out all that I did. I was encouraged by many to read the book by Ray Franz, Crisis of Conscience - I completed it just hours ago. Suffice to say, if you accept his account as factual (and let's face it, it all comes down to what you believe is true - since none of us were there), then reading this book will lead you to the conclusion that although the 6 million or so followers of the organization are probably motivated by a desire to serve God through Christ - the leaders of the organization (the GB) are not spirit directed.

    IF you are ready to accept this as a possibility, read this book! WHEN, you are ready to accept this possibility, read this book! You don't say how long you've been reading here at this site, but look around, explore all the areas and the links - I'm sorry you were disheartened - so was I - so were many others - this forum is a giant group session - it helps. You're not alone.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Keep an open mind and an open heart and life's journey will teach you the truth. WELCOME.

  • TheListener

    Welcome to the board truth.seeker

    Pull up a chair, get comfortable and prepared to learn. I appreciated the fact that you shared your story with us.

    It's not easy being bothered by things as you are.

    Good luck.

  • poppers

    Welcome to JWD. You will find much to chew on here, and many people who will listen nonjudgmentally. Your name conveys one who is on a journey for something that is thought one does not yet have. Perhaps the truth you seek is already here, not as defined by some church or philosophy, but in and as your very Being. Consider this possibility: That You are the truth that is sought; not the you that you take yourself to be, but the You that is left when all ideas are released and there is the simple resting in/as your natural state of awareness. Consider the possibility that YOU are already whole and complete right now, and that there is no need to seek any further.

  • jgnat

    Welcome, truth.seeker. I have great confidence that you will find all the answers you need. Just keep on with your praying, worshipping, studying, seeking. I am a non-JW, regular Christian. I have several suggestions for study:

    • Reading from bible examples, did God always work through an organization, or did He at times institute change through inspired individuals?
    • Who has access to the Holy Spirit's help? May you only access indirectly through study of God's word, or is there a way you obtain God's help more directly?
    • What is the minimum "gathering together" for worship and prayer that God requires, and, must it be done through a specific organization or schedule?

    and finally,

    I also know that those who are in a leadership position have done things that they have not acknowledged, nor even apologized for. Instead, they have dismissed it as being insignificant.
    • Does this example follow the bible pattern for repentance, forgiveness, and restoration?

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