Browsing the internet, I found this interpretation of
feet and toes of the image of Daniel 2, saying it represents
a "European Union" (see images to the right).
It amazes me that people can't *see* what is right in front
of their very own eyes. Just as the world of mankind came
under the
control of Persia when Babylon's time for ruling
was up, it immediately
came under the control of Greece
when Persia's time was
up. Then when Greece's time for
ruling the world was up, Rome immediately took over as
World Ruler. It is said that Rome "fell" sometime during
the 5th Century. That's been a long time ago! One thing
for certain is that Rome no longer rules the world
. And so
what ever
happened to "World Rule" when Rome "fell"?
According the idea
presented in
the diagram to the right,
World Rule would be put
on hold for
a number of centuries,
awaiting the arrival of the so-called "European Union".
It never occurred to the ones who conjured up such an idea as
this that when Rome "fell" the world immediately came under
the collective control of any and all governments who, upon
Rome's fall, then
became sovereign nations.
All one really has to do in order to *see* who the feet
and toes
symbolize is to open their eyes. Yes, from the time
of Rome's
fall the world has been ruled by a multitude of nations,
Just going on what can be observed when looking
at the world
scene, it's obvious that
the number 10 (toes) is not
to be understood
as meaning a literal 10.
The fact that the world of mankind is controlled
by hundreds of nations
today proves that the number "ten" is a symbolic
number, rather than a literal number.
Surely, just as had been foretold , the 10 toes/horns ARE indeed ruling the
world today, and have been doing so for a number of centuries
. Of course
n Jesus'
day those 10 horns had not yet emerged
from out of the top of the
beast's head--Rome had not yet fallen,
disintegrated. Interestingly,
disintegrated means "to become reduced
to components, fragments,
or particles". To the Bible's credit, what became of the World Rule that
Rome had exercised is
what Daniel 2 described would become
of it--the "iron" became fragmented; the
feet and toes being composed
of fragments of iron mixed with clay.
"European Union" equals 7th King malarkey.
by Schizm 21 Replies latest watchtower bible
Enigma One
Ah yes, so clear. NOT.
The bible is the biggest hoax ever pulled on mankind. Willing sheep to the slaughter. Sad! -
Note that the feet and toes of iron and clay correctly represent "divided kingdoms". This, because it describes the exact opposite of UNITY, flies in the face of the "European Union" theory.
“And whereas you beheld the feet and the toes to be partly of molded clay of a potter and partly of iron, the kingdom [the epitome of World Rule actually] itself will prove to be divided .... they will not prove to be sticking together"--Daniel 2:41-43.
Thus, after Rome's fall World Rule was to become "divided" amongst all governments. All of today's governments have a share in ruling the world, which is really quite a contrast to the ways of the past when a single government (like Babylon) or a pair of governments (like Medo-Persia) exercised World Rule.
Hey, I really like the way this artist depicts the 4th beast of Daniel 7. The guy/gal must've had one heck of a nightmare just before it was drawn. LOL.
City Fan
All of today's governments have a share in ruling the world, which is really quite a contrast to the ways of the past when a single government (like Babylon) or a pair of governments (like Medo-Persia) exercised World Rule
How do you come to the conclusion that Babylon exercised 'World Rule'? Have you any idea how small and short-lived the Babylonian Empire was? Do you know why Nebuchadnezzar built the Median wall?
World rule has never been achieved by any Empire. I think the closest to it was the British Empire, over which it is said the sun never set. The Persian Empire lasted just over 200 years but never expanded into Europe. The Greek Empire's legacy lived on the longest with many of it's ideas taken up by the Romans. The Roman Empire may have ruled much of Europe and North Africa, but never expanded further east than Palestine. They certainly never conquered the Parthians in Syria or the Germanic tribes north of the Danube.
These Empires had little or no influence in India, China, Central Asia or the Americas.
The image is describing nations or powers that had influence over Judea and Jerusalem rather than any imaginary 'world rule'.
Enigma One
Good point CityFan.
Our ego-centric western view skews "world" history. Could the Babylonian empire be anymore of a world power than was France under Napolean? What was China / Japan doing during all this time period? What about American Indians? The Aztecs? Mayans? Trying to apply Daniel's dream backwards into history is quite easy to pick and choose which pieces parts fit the overall "vision". -
Rome still exists as Moscow.
The Western Roman empire fell in the 5th century. But the Eastern Roman empire - Constantinople (2nd Rome) continued to the 13th century (may be off by a century) Moscow than claimed to be the 3rd Rome. Google Russia/Third Rome.
Russia is the feet. Partly strong like Iron (observe the treatment of Chechnya). But it is made up of close to 100 nationalities. The reason Russia is so ruthless with Chechnya is that it is made up of 89 similar states.
Brittain has always been anti-Rome. Europe is basically protestant - against Rome.
Russia considers itself the great protector of Orthodoxy.
The USA is Babylon the Great/King of the South
The King of the North destroys the King of the South. Russia is the power that will be standing when the Kindom of Heavens destroys it without hand.
How do you come to the conclusion that Babylon exercised 'World Rule'? World rule has never been achieved by any Empire.
The image is describing nations or powers that had influence over Judea and Jerusalem rather than any imaginary 'world rule'.--City Fan.
The Biblical answer to your question is as follows:
36 “This is the dream, and its interpretation we shall say before the king. 37 You, O king, the king of kings, you to whom the God of heaven has given the kingdom, the might, and the strength and the dignity, 38 and into whose hand he has given, wherever the sons of mankind are dwelling, the beasts of the field and the winged creatures of the heavens, and whom he has made ruler over all of them, you yourself are the head of gold. 39 “And after you there will rise another kingdom inferior to you; and another kingdom, a third one, of copper, that will rule over the whole earth.--Daniel 2:36-39.
As anyone who is able to read can see, the Bible itself says that Nebuchadnezzar's Babylon had jurisdiction over "all" mankind, no matter where they dwelt.
Hi, bro schitzo. Long time no rattle swords.
Surely, just as had been foretold ,
Surely. Malarkey, to be sure. I knew a girl named shirley, once.
I knew a girl named shirley, once.
Knowing you, it wouldn't surprise me at all