Slap one cheek, turn and kick their @%$!

by free2beme 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    I remember the whole, "slap one cheek and turn and let them slap the other", philosophy we were taught as Witnesses. I was wondering how others felt about this and how far you left it behind. I know people will sometimes have that humble personality that allows things to role off them, while others are more prone to fight the fine fight. What life has taught me, is not so much the idea that you should let them slap the other cheek, but don't allow yourself to be in a position that allows all the slapping in the first place. Meaning, if someone is known for treating people bad, leave them alone and have nothing to do with them. If you have friends who treat you will disrespect, get new friends. Then if someone does, figuratively, slap you down. Don't be quick to fight back, as I have yet to see a fight that ends that simple. Always think first, "Is this worth it" or better yet "Is the other person worth it." I remember once when I was young, a guy slept with a girl who said she was used and drunk. I wanted to get a baseball bat and beat this guy to death, or at least hurt him really really bad. I was with some friends and we drove around town looking for this guy, really upset. Never found him. Not until a week or so later and we learned he actually had had sex with her before, many times, and even after the night we were so mad about. You call that GAMES! Yet what would have become of our lives if we let emotions fight our battles for us and found him, and not let things unfold the way they did? I think about that now, when I hear the thought, "if someone slaps you cheek, turn and let them slap the other," and I think I am wiser. If someone slaps your cheek, walk away and live to fight another day. Staying means your a fool who never learns. Fighting means you let your emotions lead you to much. Yet, no matter what, often life slaps back on those people worse then you ever could have, if you give it enough time.

    So what are you like now, a face turner, a fighter or someone who just walks away before it gets worse?

  • ColdRedRain

    My take on agression: I'm a trained fighter, I have a rifle and you're not bulletproof. Let's not let anything get messy.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I spent most of my life turning the other cheek and getting slapped again and then turning that cheek and getting slapped again and....

    I finally learned that there is a time to walk away and also a time to speak up and then walk away..Now I choose which one to do but I never let them slap anymore

  • Kaput

    I'm 10 feet tall, bulletproof, and I pack an Uzi. 'Nuff said.

  • tijkmo

    the problem with some, is that they take jesus words too literally...would any reasonable person really believe that jesus was recommending that if you were being beaten raped or mugged that you should just stand there and take it...if there was a way to escape... i did some research for a public talk once on the sermon on the mount and i found that jesus was making a comparison with the way the jews used to behave if they thought that someone had 'dissed' them in some way. they would make a mental note and would then look for an oppurtunity to get them back...since in life there would always be someone who had wronged you , either real or imaginary, then these jews would spend their whole existence planning revenge...what an existence.

    so jesus was saying..let it go..the small things..the slaps..the provocation...ultimately it was robbing you of your happiness and peace..and who needs that

  • mrsjones5

    I mostly walk away but then I dont get slapped often

  • Satanus

    I don't get slapped often. I have observed though, that usually, what people get is what they subconsciously wanted. So, when shit happens to me, i look at myself. On the other hand, there is a time to pick up a gun, or whatever and defend oneself. Perhaps people have a need to fight, sometimes, and so it is arranged.


  • mrsjones5

    I also think that people who like to slap tend to look for people who appear slappable (I dont think that's a word ), I dont look slappable but on the other hand I dont think that is a hard and fast rule

  • mouthy

    <<<<<<< a fighter !!!! Yes I am just that. I NOW stick up for what I believe- if you insult me expect a tounge lashing. What a lousy Christian you say? YES!!!! I know I am -but My Daddy above KNOWS me !!!!He has been SO good to me since I called on HIS door!!!! That I believe he MAY give me a tounge lashing when I see HIM face to Face -But HE LOVES ME!!!! ( put that in your pipe & smoke it )OOps sorry I thought that would anger some.... But you all know me TROUBLE!!!!!!!

  • dezpbem
    . What life has taught me, is not so much the idea that you should let them slap the other cheek, but don't allow yourself to be in a position that allows all the slapping in the first place. Meaning, if someone is known for treating people bad, leave them alone and have nothing to do with them. If you have friends who treat you will disrespect, get new friends. Then if someone does, figuratively, slap you down. Don't be quick to fight back, as I have yet to see a fight that ends that simple.
    If someone slaps your cheek, walk away and live to fight another day. Staying means your a fool who never learns. Fighting means you let your emotions lead you to much. Yet, no matter what, often life slaps back on those people worse then you ever could have, if you give it enough time.

    Free2berne I think those words were genius.

    That was really something worth thinking about.

    Everyone has to deal with "being slapped" so it's worth thinking over our habitual pattern of dealing with it and questioning the results we've gotten from our method.

    Something to think on.

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