Comments You Will Not Hear at the 10-23-05 WT Study (Walk/Faith)

by blondie 29 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    I'm going to have to sit through today's study. Got to take a relative to the meeting.

  • jgnat

    Boy, the suited-up kids look like they'd rather be in the Jeep.

  • AuldSoul

    Blondie, thanks again!

    I just told my wife, "When you get to paragraph 13, I want you to ask yourself: 'Would it have been alright for the First Century Christian congregations to have Associated themselves to the Roman armies?'"

    Great job breaking this down. As always.


  • SallySue
    When writing to anointed Christians

    What were they anointed with? And if he was only writing to the anointed Christians, why do the poor "un"anointed Christians have to walk by faith too? What helps those folks?

    Great comments as usual, Blondie. The article sure sounds as if there are many "walking" away from the org.

  • Maverick

    It is nice to see you still have it going on Blondie. Good stuff, boy the WTS is full of crap! Mav

  • AuldSoul
    Boy, the suited-up kids look like they'd rather be in the Jeep.

    The kids should turn into pillars of salt, right? The parents are properly shunning their worldly JW friends, but those disrespectful and wicked children are waving, like these miscreants are their brothers and sisters! Outrageous!

    Thanks for the picture, Severus. It taught us all an important lesson. If you don't do what the Watchtower says you will be shunned by the adults and the children won't understand why. Matthew 18:3 says, “Unless YOU turn around and become as young children..."


  • blondie

    Dear TheListener,

    This is a bad study for UBMs (especially faders).

    I’m not sure what you mean because UBMs are UnBelieving Mates who are not faders. Faders are baptized JWs who become inactive or are on the way to that status.

    If you mean that JWs that are moving in this direction and have UBMs, are being guilted into doing more and thus will be spending less time with their spouses, I might see that.

    I felt that this and all the "walk" articles are going after baptized JWs that are slowing down or are already "off the WTS books." The few contacts we have with "active" JWs tell us that attendance is down with a large number of those attending being visitors from other congregations. I have found in my case and others who fade that field service is the first to go before meeting attendance. So I am sure that hours are down or perhaps actual hours and more JWs are turning in fake hours.

    Cute Flash,

    Does anyone know what October 24 is?


    Thanks for your support.

    Hey jgnat,

    In the context of the article, what is October 24?

    Dear xjwms,

    As a fader,,.... this study is a bad one for me. But GAWD all the brain-washing in here just makes me sick.

    Me too. The WTS is getting desperate and is flogging the flock. My experience when I was still "in" was that it just drove the JWs that were fading deeper into the woodwork. I saw more and more elders just going to the motions, giving the appearance of being "faithful" and doing more behind the scenes, going to R-rated movies (or renting/buying), video games, working on meetings nights/days, handing off to the MS and taking off on errands on Saturday, and being the family in the jeep that Severus posted below, missing the CO visit to go hunting or on a month’s vacation every year during the CO visit. The trouble is that the sheep are following the "shepherds." After all, if an elder can do it, "so can I."


    Yes, the anniversary of the UN (which actually started unofficially without ceremony in 1942 ) but it is the 60 th anniversary from 1945 to 2005. Perhaps it is not a coincidence that the WTS timed this WT article with is pointed comments on the UN to coincide with the Sunday closest to the 24 th .

    Thanks, willyloman, for the wonderful word picture.

    So many dubs are "walking" away that the leadership is obsessed with it. The ones who aren't walking away have slowed their dub-walk waaaaay down. Some, in fact, are just sitting on the curb, watching the slow-moving parade.

    Interesting Merry,

    my interpretation of the modern day fulfillment of the golden calf is:
    if Moses going up the mountain represents Christ's return to heaven, and the Israelites are Christians who got tired of waiting for him to come back down, then Aaron must represent Russell (et al) who, rather than actually encouraging Christians to walk by faith, gave in to their desire to walk by sight and so created the golden calf--a visible organization that represents divine presence and favour (which is, conveniently, invisible)

    You might find this article by ex-JW Norm Hovland interesting.

    Russell wasn’t much of an organization man. The congregations in his time were basically autonomous with elders elected by the local congregation. But Rutherford, he was the one that gradually changed the power structure to be from top down, eliminating the elected elders and declaring the WTS truly organized in 1938. Russell’s goal was 1914 when he felt all the anointed would be taken to heaven and that the "preaching" work was only to locate the rest of the anointed, not to preach to those remaining on earth after 1914. It is interesting to see how different it was back then compared to now in the WTS.

    Nothing new is right, Severus

    militarized powers within the United Nations will see religion as a disturbing element
    I have heard some Witnesses say that this is new phrasing by the Society.

    It is just that there is such a turnover in the JWs that more than 60% have been "in" less than 10 years. 1993 is 12 years back. Another technique the WTS uses is to avoid mentioning certain doctrines for some time and then bring them back if need be.

    Thanks for the pictures.

    There is something I hadn’t seen often. A family with mom and dad and 2 kids together on the sidewalk in door to door work. Mom has on strapped high heels, how practical? In the congregations I attended the brothers took off together and left the sisters with the kids to supervise and train. Of course, the brothers were being trained too. How to use congregation privileges to avoid door to door.

    Notice how the bad JW family is shown in a non-service, expensive vehicle. Shame on them, they could have donated that money to the WTS.

    Oh, too bad, B_C,

    I'm going to have to sit through today's study. Got to take a relative to the meeting.

    Make plenty of restrooms visits. Be sure to get up during the most obnoxious paragraphs.

    You got that right, jgnat,

    Boy, the suited-up kids look like they'd rather be in the Jeep.

    Good point, AuldSoul,

    I just told my wife, "When you get to paragraph 13, I want you to ask yourself: 'Would it have been alright for the First Century Christian congregations to have Associated themselves to the Roman armies?'"

    (I wish I had thought of it)

    Excellent comments, everyone, Blondie

  • AuldSoul
    I'm going to have to sit through today's study. Got to take a relative to the meeting.

    Sit at the front and comment often! Give them a taste of free thinking.


  • FairMind

    The rank and file are getting restless
    They are restless because they are becoming informed and seeing the WTS actual motives being self interest.

  • Room 215
    Room 215
    Does our more precise viewpoint on "this generation" mean that Armageddon is further away than we had thought? Not at all! Though we at no time have known the "day and hour," Jehovah God has always known it, and he does not change

    !!!???!!! What JW in his/her right mind believes that the current ``viewpoint" on what ``this generation" means is ``more precise" than its predeccessor? It's been watered down to the point of meaninglessness!

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