uh ya you can....Octoberfest happens every year (at least in WA)...and then there'se 4th of July, Thanksgiving (US), Columbus Day, Presidents Day, Christmas....should I go on?
this makes me MAD
by under74 29 Replies latest jw friends
John Doe
Show me where I made any such assertion. You assume I said something I didn't say. I asked a question, plain and simple. Had I said, "How are blue cats any different from gray dogs," would you also claim I were saying blue cats and gray dogs are the same? Questions are just that, questions.
John Doe
..Octoberfest happens every year (at least in WA)...and then there'se 4th of July, Thanksgiving (US), Columbus Day, Presidents Day, Christmas
Show me how these are any celbration of race. I've never even heard race mentioned as a basis for these celebration. There is no "white heritage" month.
Not that I'd want to, but can you have a White or Caucasion Heritage event without minorities having a temper tantrum?
Come on they have white heritage day's almost every month. Columbus Day, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Easter, Halloween, etc, etc. A lot of black people even celebrate these days! No one pickets on these days.
Show me how these are any celbration of race. I've never even heard race mentioned as a basis for these celebration. There is no "white heritage" month.
You have to remember that most militant blacks feel that the bible is made by the "White man", and that it's for "White people". Most Whites use to believe this (some still do) so that's why they said that Blacks were a cursed race. So, now, you have all of these holy White days and Blacks believing in them! Embracing them! One love! You know?
G Money
The girls should be PC and preach Malcom X and Farrakhan. Like their message is any different? The media is sensationalizing but really its only news because they are white, if they were black it would be taboo to question. But that's life in the USA.
Let people be proud of their race and or heritage. I didn't recall it saying they were promoting racism although the story wants you to think that as fear sells.
After all, white christian males in the USA are fair game, everyone else is protected.
yawn -
I watched the show. My blood was boiling too, but I've often ask myself the same question...
but how is this different from "Celebrate Black Heritage" events?
I don't know... it just is. Way too many years of slavery and having to cower to the white man is my guess. I know, I know... we didn't personally treat them or their ancestors like that... but still...
Seeing these children spout their "beliefs" just made me phyisically ill. Shame on their mother!
Not that I'd want to, but can you have a White or Caucasian Heritage event without minorities having a temper tantrum
First of all, practically the entire world has embraced Western (read White, if you want to give it a colour) Heritage and either live their lives by it or aspire for more of it: democracy, MacDonalds, western philosophy, capitalism etc ... This heritage is pervasive and to me it would seem pointless to set up a day or month to celebrate it , as it would be like celebrating the achievements of the entire planet! Let's not forget that these achievements are cummulative and were built on the achievement of other, older civilizations: Indian (numbers, kama sutra), Chinese (gunpowder, noodles), Semitic - arab, jews etc (guitar, mathematics, philosophy, astronomy, the scriptures, ..), African (pyramids, egyptian art & hieroglyhps, music -jazz, rock, R&B) This list is not exclusive.
It is only natural, in a world increasingly liberalised that the people who have been oppresed for whatever reason through history want to express that they too have contributed something to these achievements and be recognised. What is the harm in that?
If there was a Prussian Heritage Day, a Black Heritage Day, an Indian or Arabic Heritage Day I would gladly go and embrace these cultures. But it would be a different matter if there was a Prussian Supremacy Day, a Black Superiority Day or an Arabic Superiority Day.
In our minds and hearts we owe it to ourselves to distinguish between these two types of celebrations and not let a dogma of supremacy mar the rich world heritage that has come from its various cultures throughout history.
I've said my peace ...
Un peut de bien ne peut faire de mal - es.67 -
Farrakhan gave a speech in my home town (51% black population) entitled "God Damn the White Man!"
Replace "Black" with "White" and see if it is racist. Whatever the skin color and whatever the history, hate speech is hate speech. I feel no more comfortable walking down my street while holding my black wife's hand knowing there are members of Nation of Islam adherents in our town than I do knowing there is KKK in our town.
Miscegenation is one thing the Nation of Islam and KKK agree on. Race traitors should die. My spirit lives on. And hate speech is hate speech, no matter whose mouth it vomits from.