Are we victims of yet another P&R (post and run)?
The Marriage of the Lamb has Taken Place in the Heavens, Amen T.F.D.S.
by EliJah 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The Heavenly Angels are Descending Upon the Earth as We Speak
holy crap....He's baaaaaaaack!!! LOL. Seriously dude, I do love your posts, I am usually laughing so hard I'm in tears....It's good to know they give you internet access at Bellevue!!!
Sam the Man
I love this guy.
Hey EliJah,
Are you sure you aren't a Hindu, because you keep reincarnating on this board under different names. If you were, you could claim to be Vishnu, the destroyer of worlds.
The Marinade of the Lamb has taken place!
Time to roast!
Have You Seen My Mother
But what does the FDS/WTS say when the marriage of the Lamb takes place?
*** Insight Book Volume 2 p. 787 Resurrection ***
Evidently, though, "the marriage of the Lamb" does not take place until after judgment has been executed upon "Babylon the Great." (Re 18) After describing the destruction of this "great harlot," Revelation 19:7 says: "Let us rejoice and be overjoyed, and let us give him the glory, because the marriage of the Lamb has arrived and his wife has prepared herself." When all the 144,000 have been finally approved and "sealed" as faithful ones and have been resurrected to the heavens, the marriage can proceed.
But what does the FDS/WTS say when the marriage of the Lamb takes place?
2 And he cried out with a strong voice, saying: “She has fallen! Babylon the Great has fallen, and she has become a dwelling place of demons and a lurking place of every unclean exhalation and a lurking place of every unclean and hated bird! 3 For because of the wine of the anger of her fornication all the nations have fallen [victim], and the kings of the earth committed fornication with her, and the traveling merchants of the earth became rich due to the power of her shameless luxury.*** Insight Book Volume 2 p. 787 Resurrection ***
Evidently, though, "the marriage of the Lamb" does not take place until after judgment has been executed upon "Babylon the Great." (Re 18) After describing the destruction of this "great harlot," Revelation 19:7 says: "Let us rejoice and be overjoyed, and let us give him the glory, because the marriage of the Lamb has arrived and his wife has prepared herself." When all the 144,000 have been finally approved and "sealed" as faithful ones and have been resurrected to the heavens, the marriage can proceed.
The Marriage has to take place and has taken place in the heavens before it can cleanse the earth. There are heavenly fulfillments prior to earthly fulfillments always. Please note that it describes a dwelling place of demons and every hated bird. Who is the "bird catcher" ?
The next fulfillment will be the cleansing of the earth whom satan and the demons committed fornication literally and spiritually. Fornication is an unauthorized act against the LAW of JAH the Almighty, amen.
The Faithful Slave
Why do you choose to spew this here when no ones wants to hear it . If this is your choice to believe ,so be it but why post this on Apostates that have no use or want for this BS.
I think the WTBTS is wrong on this one once again . Revelation 19 mentions the voice of a great crowd . Technically it does take place in the kingdom of the heavens but that's when it arrives on earth .IMO The WTBTS never considers that the great crowd can and does enter the city of new jerusalem .
Televangelists on the miracle network are still more entertaining, sorry. Something about the short attention span of people today I guess or being a visual society. Giggle.