Gog of Magog is identified as Satan the Devil in his debased condition since 1914.
So Satan got more debased after 1914? Wasn't he kinda debased since his initial rebellion?
Maybe not so much, and did get more debased, according to the literature:
w85 10/15 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***Consider, too, Revelation 12:1-17. At the end of the Gentile Times in 1914, God’s heavenly "woman" produced the Kingdom government as a "male child." The debased Satan "grew wrathful at the woman." But his attack was not directly against God’s wifely organization in heaven, to which he no longer had access.
w53 2/15 p. 123 When Will God’s Kingdom Come? ***That the year 1914 was seen to be significant, we again refer to The Watchtower, and this time to the issue of January 1, 1914 (pages 3, 4). "From every point of view the year 1914 seems big with possibilities. . . . We believe that the year 1914 gives evidence of greater possibilities of service for the truth than has any previous year . . . Let us be more than ever on the alert, therefore, to be used and useful in the service of our King." So it is clear that in 1914, according to the facts as they happened, fulfillment of the prophecy recorded in Revelation chapter 12 began to take place. At that time Satan was cast out of heaven. He was debased to the earth.
Ugh... they wrongly apply the 1914 Watchtower position. Anyone who reads how their 1917 publication "The Finished Mystery" explains Revelation 12 (i.e. Michael is the pope) would fairly throw up at this paragraph. Be that as it may, it appears here the word "debased" is being used to mean "displaced to an unfavorable position."
w61 9/1 p. 525 Hold Your Position ***In 607 B.C., when Jerusalem and her domain were completely desolated by Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, when the typical or small-scale kingdom of God was made a ruin, then it was that Satan in the fullest sense became the undisputed "god of this system of things." ... Would Satan prove successful? Never! He might blind himself as he does the unbelievers, but in that same sure word of prophecy his terrific fall, from so high to so low and debased a position, is also vividly described at Isaiah 14:12, 15-20. This began to be fulfilled in 1914 when Christ Jesus, as Michael at the head of his heavenly forces, on behalf of the true God Jehovah, fought Satan the dragon, the mimic god, and his forces, and, as a result, "down the great dragon was hurled..."
I guess I never really quite had that thought fully understood - that Satan had a position of power, being still in heaven, that rivaled Jehovah's. This is as good as Zeus and the other Grecian gods messing with human and superhuman affairs here and there and vice versa.
This is just weird.