"Present Understanding"

by TweetieBird 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • TweetieBird

    For those of you that have been away from the borg for a while, there is a new catch phrase that has been popping up in the meetings, assembly talks, CO's talks, etc. It seems to me that I started hearing this term shortly after the "generation" explanation fiasco.

    Of course, I am referring to the term, "present understanding" or "current understanding."

    I always thought it was amusing, even when I was believing the BS, but now I find it puzzling that so many are gullible to this new phrase.

    It's as if the GB is saying, "this is how we interpret this scripture today, however, tomorrow we may interpret it differently, and then go back to original interpretation later on." I think that is called...flip-flopping. It just amazes me that the majority of JW's cannot see through the BS.

    When the "new light" came out about the generation, I remember sitting in the KH listening to probably one of the most versed elders in the hall trying to explain it. Most were not getting it, and probably don't to this day. They just chalk it up to their own lack of understanding, waiting on Jehovah to clarify it for them.

    Oh well, life goes on.

    "By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero

  • joelbear

    Hi Tweetie,

    Thats not new. It just may being used more these days. I can remember my mother using that phrase when I was a kid.



  • Frenchy

    Joel is correct, it's not a new term. Here is a variation of the term that is used: "Present Tuth"

    I find THAT term quite amusing.
    My definition of "Present Truth": Fact with an expiration date.

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • Seeker4

    The use of "present or current understanding" is far from new, Tweetie. Those terms, and the much more insidious "current truth or present truth" go way, way back in the WTS. For instance Song 91 in the latest songbook has the line "...and keep in step with present truth." I remember them as far back as the 1960's.

    I'm working on a novel about JWs, and when I used those terms in my writer's group, the other writers were totally flabbergasted that any organization could actually get away with it. As a matter of fact, they recommended using "Present Truth" as the title of the novel!

    But I must also tell you that for at least ten years before I even thought of leaving the Witnesses, I found this phrase horrified me. I refused to use it, or to sing it when we sang this Kingdom song. I think a similar phrase is found in at least one other song as well.

    What a metaphor to base a religion on - trying to keep up with an ever-changing body of "true" understanding. Or at least "currently true understanding!" As I told a circuit overseer who visited me shortly after I left the Witnesses, "In this organization, today's 'truth' is tomorrow's apostasy."

    Good post.

  • JanH

    Unless I am very much mistaken, "present truth" was an expression used by various Adventists that Russell and Barbour also adopted.

    - Jan
    Faith, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel. [Ambrose Bierce, The DevilĀ“s Dictionary, 1911]

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum


    Very insightful of you to pick up on the societies use of the adjectives "present" and "current" when defining truth. Websters defines "truth" as . . . "fact or actuality", "the real state of affairs: fact." As opposed to the definition for "theory" which Websters defines as . . ."hypothesis. . .an assumption or guess".

    Now, beliefs change, hypothesis change, assumptions change. But facts don't change. So to be more accurate in what they tell their mind-numbed adherants, they really should use the expression "present theory and current theory". Of course doing so puts them on the same plane as evolutionists. I mean no disrespect to Charles Darwin here.

  • bboyneko

    I understand that everyone must send me presents

  • Maximus

    JanH is correct on both counts. The expression derives from the old "light gets brighter" canard that is like the Energizer bunny.

    Extend the concept further: When the Society cannot or will not refute facts and evidence that challenge "current thinking," they invariably write: "Adopt a waiting attitude like that of Micah." When you press them today about child abuse policy, you will get the same answer.

    Think about the implications of "Wait on Jehovah." Actually that signifies Wait on the Organization; i.e., wait on the governing body and top decision-makers to arrive at a majority vote.

    Implicit is that the questioner is running ahead. Note this, however. Also implicit is that there could be further change on the matter! Many have been known to grow old while so waiting .... but when change does occur?

    My sons call that kind of attitude "covering your ass."

    Ever done any research on that scripture about the 'light getting brighter till the perfect day'? It's merely a poetic description of sunrise becoming full/complete day. The writer of the Psalm would be astonished to know how badly the expression has been abused.

    I'm so happy to see you continuing to grow, Tweetie!


  • TweetieBird

    Thanks for the clarification. I guess I never really noticed until I started having doubts, just blindly accepted whatever was spewed (sp) from the platform. I must have, at some point, started actually listening to what was being said, therefore, picked up on something that I had probably heard from infancy.

    Maybe they should discontinue the parts at the assembly on opening day about really paying attention to each and every talk. Doing so in my case caused me to start doubting.

    "By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero

  • Moxy

    ok, first of all, 'present truth' is not an invention of russel or adventists. its in the bible: Jas 1:12 KJ

    Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, though ye know them, and be established in the present truth.

    this was a poor translation and obscured the true connotation of 'present' here as 'evident' rather than 'current' the way it was used by JWs.

    secondly, given that the phrase 'present truth' has erroneous origins and is also just a plain dumb contradiction-in-terms, i have no objection to the phrase 'current understanding.' as in cosmology, i might say, 'our current understanding of the universe is that it is about 15 billion years old' with the implication that our understanding is ever open to refinement. the problem is how you TREAT the idea of current understanding and how dogmatic you are about it. particularly amusing to me is when someone on the writing committee would comment on an issue on which changes were coming. he could not answer a question, say, on the generation issue back before 95 in straight terms, 'i believe...' or 'i understand...' and then go on to give the official interpretation of the time - that would be a lie. but he would have to answer, 'well, our current understanding...'

    its the restrictiveness and secrecy thats tied up with the idea of 'current understanding' that i object to.


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