For those of you that have been away from the borg for a while, there is a new catch phrase that has been popping up in the meetings, assembly talks, CO's talks, etc. It seems to me that I started hearing this term shortly after the "generation" explanation fiasco.
Of course, I am referring to the term, "present understanding" or "current understanding."
I always thought it was amusing, even when I was believing the BS, but now I find it puzzling that so many are gullible to this new phrase.
It's as if the GB is saying, "this is how we interpret this scripture today, however, tomorrow we may interpret it differently, and then go back to original interpretation later on." I think that is called...flip-flopping. It just amazes me that the majority of JW's cannot see through the BS.
When the "new light" came out about the generation, I remember sitting in the KH listening to probably one of the most versed elders in the hall trying to explain it. Most were not getting it, and probably don't to this day. They just chalk it up to their own lack of understanding, waiting on Jehovah to clarify it for them.
Oh well, life goes on.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero