Tetrapod - I guess it just depends on which mood you catch me in. I think I've learnt a lot from people here but I'm still an arrogant so and so. I know we often disagree but I'd be more than happy to go to the pub for a quick half (of blackcurrant;) with you. I think you'd be surprised at how liberal I really am in the flesh, electronic words are harsher and more time delayed than real words. I often post and look back and re -read some rather naff twitage I've penned and then I get embarrassed and don't post for a few days.
Is the Bible True?
by UnDisfellowshipped 16 Replies latest watchtower bible
Deputy Dog
John 10:3
Nate Merit
Nate, I'm UK based so organising some debate contest isn't even in my remit. As for emailing your mate - why would he listen to me? I'm sure he gets plenty of correction emails but has to ignore them otherwise his site would descend into chaos.
Mark Smith does indeed read all his emails. He sends most of them to me as well for review before we decide which ones are the least barmy and therefore fit to respond to. If you respond in an intelligent and rational way, you will receive an intelligent and rational reply. Sadly, most of the email we receives cements our opinion that something is well and truly disturbed about the minds of fundamentalists. Having been fundamentalists ourselves, we read these emails and shudder.
So, by all means email Mark and correct his errors. CC the email to [email protected]
I promise if there are any factual errors about the LDS Church on SET FREE! they will soon be gone.
I was kidding about being the reincarnation of Porter Rockwell, but nonetheless find the character even more fascinating than either Smith or Young, and that's saying something. A real turkey of a movie was made about Rockwell a few years back. I am seriously considering writing a script and screenplay about Rockwell. Fortunately, my wife's Godfather in the Greek Orthodox Church is a producer for Paramount Studios. It might help. It can't hurt.
Nate -
Nate Merit,
You have been calling people "Fundiots" and "Stupid Fundys".
Do you mind if I ask you exactly WHO you're talking about? Those terms sound exactly like the generalizations that the Watchtower Society uses, such as "Christendom" or "Apostates".
Not all of Christendom believes the same things, and not all "Apostates" believe the same things, and also not all "Fundamentalist" Christians believe the same things.
In fact, when I see people name-calling and bad-mouthing so-called "Fundamentalists", I don't even know who they are talking about. Would you care to enlighten me? Who are these mysterious "stupid fundiots"?
I don't know who this "Mark Smith" is, but he should not be confused with Professor Mark S. Smith, scholar of Semitic languages and literatures. Just thought I'd point this out in case anyone might mistake one for the other.
A Paduan
Do you mean - Are they truthful stories, or, is it historical fact ?
Jonah probably didn't get swallowed by a whale - but "the prophet was in the belly of a whale" for "days and nights".
Which truth are you after? The spirit of a story (inspired) or man's facts
Is the Bible True?
1 Cor 1:18-25
18 For to those who are perishing the message of the cross is foolishness, but to us who are being saved it is God’s power. 19 For it is written: I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and I will set aside the understanding of the experts.
20 Where is the philosopher? Where is the scholar? Where is the debater of this age? Hasn’t God made the world’s wisdom foolish? 21 For since, in God’s wisdom, the world did not know God through wisdom, God was pleased to save those who believe through the foolishness of the message preached. 22 For the Jews ask for signs and the Greeks seek wisdom, 23 but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to the Jews and foolishness to the Gentiles. 24 Yet to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ is God’s power and God’s wisdom, 25 because God’s foolishness is wiser than human wisdom, and God’s weakness is stronger than human strength.I believe it is.
Why do athiests spend so much time talking about a God that they don't even believe exists?