Are You In Favor Of Asbos?

by minimus 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • bull01lay

    I think there need to be methods in place to punish anti social people - the difficulty is deciding what does and doesn't constitute anti social behaviour.

    I wholeheartedly agree with this quote too from blondies post:

    They see a touchy country in which neighbors spy on neighbors, crying foul at the slightest provocation

    People seem to be in such a hurry to cry foul these days. Strange, how in a culture that is becoming obsessed with political correctness and multi cultural integration, that people just can't seem to tolerate their neighbours.

    I also think Tony Blair is in an unenviable position (as would be any politician) - there are going to be people say he's doing too much, and others will say he hasn't gone far enough!


  • Seeker4

    Hey, Minimus!

    Check out my new threads on the board. Some big things happening up here, and could use your support. Any way you could help out here??

    Thanks, and my best to you and your lady.


  • minimus

    But Seeker, what about asbos??

  • ignored_one

    It's crazy. You hear about these really dumb ASBOs being put on people for really minor things. Yet you can visit the biggest NFH (neighbour from hell) forum for britain and read about 100s of people who've had to put up with threatening behaviour and harrassment for years with nothing being done.

    A lot of these problems with noisy neighbours could be fixed if landlords were forced to adequately soundproof their properties. I'm not surprised people are stressed if the can't even get to sleep at night due to being able to hear their upstairs neighbour stomping about. I know this from experience.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    The other problem with asbo's - genuine ones such as the ultimate neighbours from hell - is that if they are subject to exclusion orders or evicted by their landlord, it just moves the problem onto some other poor souls doorstep.

    (Now that gives me an idea.... we could relocate them all to the Houses of Parliament or Downing Street... )

    Bottom line is that it's the asbo's actual behaviour which needs addressing alongside the imposition of punishment otherwise nothing gets solved at all.

  • minimus

    This seems like a stick up someone's arse if you ask me. Anyone could cry foul and say that their neighbor is violating the law.

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