Some time back, I had a disagreement with my brother-in-law, who even though he has doubts about the witnesses, still wants to put on the cloak of being a believer for his mother's sake. While he acknowledges the doctrinal errors and abysmal treatment of the flock by their elders, he doesn't want to assign a malicious, controlling motivation to it. I told him that I believed the idea of not having windows in Kingdom Halls was part of the brain washing that occurs during meeting after meeting during the weeks, months and years. Windows might provide an opportunity for the attendees to allow there minds to wander during the process of getting their minds made right. And so I've been keeping track of the Kingdom Halls I pass along the highways that I travel during the week and I can say with certainty that over 90% of the Kingdom Halls have NO windows to allow a view or light from the outside. However, I don't travel in the north or northeastern U.S. or outside of the country. Is it the same where you live? Kingdom Halls are windowless buildings for the most part?
Windowless Kingdom Halls
by drahcir yarrum 22 Replies latest jw friends
The design of windowless Kingdom Halls came from RBC etc. The design was for inner-city areas with high crime. Many KHs are built in poor inner city areas with high crime rates due to lower cost of land/real estate. So they were designed without windows to make them more vandal/burglar proof
Pretty much all window-less in the parts of Northen California I've travelled through.
Why windowless? The reasoning is always to reduce vandalism issues....but then, that also plays into the "victim" mentality of Witnesses.
---Dan -
The KH I had attended all my life had huge bay windows on both sides of the hall. It was on top of a hilly area in a posh neighborhood.
The KH was built in the late 1960s and I believe dedicated in 1971. There were articles from the local newspaper hanging from the wall of the 2nd ministry school. Initially the neighboring residents opposed the WT building a hall there and there were some hefty disputes about it from what I remember reading.
Many R&F witnesses (including us) had to travel great distances to make the meetings. The neighbors were always complaining about the heavy traffic and noise late at night in the area. Can't blame them.
Not all KHs are windowless. In my area there are 15 KHs, 8 with windows, 7 without.
Why windows may be decided against:
1) Crime
2) Cheaper and quicker to build windowless KH. Anyone who has had a house built knows the cost of windows.
3) Possible to have no windows with the advent and use of sophisticated HVAC systems.
The KH I went to has several huge windows. One can look outside during the meetings. The KH is located in a quiet street in the middle of nowhere.
The guy posted KH's with windows but none of the windows have the curtains open. I agree with the original post in this thread. Can't have peoples minds opening up (even on a small scale) while we fry their brains, Watchtower Indoctrination style.
I have been in over one hundered kh's and every one had windows.
Were the windows open? Were the curtains open?