I've been asked that question, and since I've been out of it for years (and away from this forum for some time) I have no idea. Can someone give me the latest figures? Thanks in advance, Stan
How many Jehovah's witnesses are there now?
by Stan Conroy 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Havent got the URL but is about 6.1 million
Stan Conroy
Thank you for that answer. Wasn't the number at 6 million members 10 years ago? Has there been no grown in all this time? Stan
*** yb04 p. 31 Worldwide Report 2003 Grand Totals ***
Report 2003 Grand TotalsBranches of Jehovah’s Witnesses: 109
Number of Lands Reporting: 235
Total Congregations: 95,919
Worldwide Memorial Attendance: 16,097,622
Memorial Partakers Worldwide: 8,565
Peak of Publishers in Kingdom Service: 6,429,351
Average Publishers Preaching Each Month: 6,184,046
Percentage of Increase Over 2002: 2.2
Total Number Baptized: 258,845
Average Pioneer Publishers Each Month: 825,185
Total Hours Spent in Field: 1,234,796,477
Average Home Bible Studies Each Month: 5,726,509
During the 2003 service year, Jehovah’s Witnesses spent over $80 million in caring for special pioneers, missionaries, and traveling overseers in their field service assignments.
*** yb01 p. 31 Worldwide Report 2000 Grand Totals ***
Report 2000 Grand TotalsWatch Tower Branches: 110
Number of Lands Reporting: 235
Total Congregations: 91,487
Worldwide Memorial Attendance: 14,872,086
Memorial Partakers Worldwide: 8,661
Peak of Publishers in Kingdom Service: 6,035,564
Average Publishers Preaching Each Month: 5,783,003
Percentage of Increase Over 1999: 2.3
Total Number Baptized: 288,907
Average Pioneer Publishers Each Month: 805,205
Total Hours Spent in Field: 1,171,270,425
Average Home Bible Studies Each Month: 4,766,631
*** yb97 p. 33 Worldwide Report: 1996 Grand Totals ***
Report: 1996 Grand TotalsWatch Tower Branches: 104
Number of Lands Reporting: 233
Total Congregations: 81,908
Worldwide Memorial Attendance: 12,921,933
Memorial Partakers Worldwide: 8,757
Peak of Publishers in Kingdom Service: 5,413,769
Average Publishers Preaching Each Month: 5,167,258
Percentage of Increase Over 1995: 4.4
Total Number Baptized: 366,579
Average Pioneer Publishers Each Month: 645,509
Total Hours Spent in Field: 1,140,621,714
Average Home Bible Studies Each Month: 4,855,030
Stan Conroy
Thanks. It looks like there has been some growth, although hardly a "little one becoming a thousand". :-) Now back to the woodwork I go... Stan
Number of baptisms is dropping. Interesting.
Do they publish any stats on DFs and DAs?
Do they publish any stats on DFs and DAs?
Of course not!
Let's not forget the number of Scandanavian countries where growth has been stagnant and even in steady decline for years. The most amazing figures are for Denmark: The number of active witnesses in 2004 was about the same as it was 20 years ago in 1984. That must be demoralizng. Japan, once hailed as having the fasted growing number of active publishers, has been slowly declining in recent years.
Baptisms in most westernized countries have dropped off dramatically.
There's also the following issues: Even active witnesses don't seem to be spending as much time in the field on an individual basis, and criteria for pioneering have been steadily reducing over the years.
South American countries have bucked this trend though.