While preaching, did you realize that you were also screwing up their lives

by JH 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mysterious

    No I figured I was helping them. To the point where I even tried to convert friend's Id met on the internet. Luckily they saw through what I didnt and they were there for me still when I eventually left the organization.

    Now when I talk about the organization Im content in the fact that no one that hears me is going to be caught in their snare. I preach to twice as many people as I ever did before.

  • JH

    Gee, I must be the only one who knew I was screwing up their lives trying to bring them into the Org.

    The way I saw things, you had to give up alot to gain alot, but the kingdom didn't come, so people doing a sacrifice becoming a JW would only lose what they had previously.

    I guess I was never 100% JW...

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    To be perfectly honest, I didn't give a rat's as$ about they're lives. I just wanted to do the time so I could get on with my life and persue the things that were personally enjoyable.

  • jschwehm

    Hi gang:

    I remember the last time I conducted a Bible Study. I had recently returned from Bethel and I was asked by someone to fill in for them. I was having serious doubts at the time about 1914 and other things but I went ahead and conducted the Bible Study anyway. While I was teaching this person the 1914 doctrine, I was saying to myself, "How can I teach this when I know deep down this is all baloney??!!". It was pretty much at that point that I vowed never to conduct a Bible Study with the JWs publications again. I also started to feel sorry for the guy because I realized that if he became a JW, I was assisting him to go down the same road of disappointment that I was going down.

    Jeff S.


  • Jamelle

    I think there was a brief time - right after I was reinstated for the first and LAST time - that I got really into going out in service.

    Other than that - I hated it and never tried to really do good at it. I remember always feeling that it was very rude and presumptuous of me to tell a perfect stranger that their faith was wrong and mine was right - however prettily I put the words. I know I was taught that we were trying to save peoples lives - but it just didn't seem that way to me.

    I was never a good JW - not cut out for it! I do laugh about all those times I positioned my body so that my "partner" couldn't see I wasn't really pushing the doorbell button in. LOL! Sometimes I would say, "Wow - you can barely hear that ring from out here, can you?"

    I was always mad when someone didn't have a doorbell and I had to knock!

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