Which countries still charge for the literature, and what are the rates...

by AuldSoul 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • G Money
    G Money

    Up to about 1999 they did sell them and it wasn't donations. 25 cents for Magazines and other rates for books and bibles. The US phased it out years earlier and it was interesting to go back to the selling arrangement whilst living abroad.

  • minimus

    So...are there countries that still charge $$$$$$?????

  • eyeslice

    India used to charge the public up to 2000, which I thought was a bit strange as the west had already stopped charging by then. No distributing 'life's waters free' to the poverty stricken masses of the sub-continent.
    I'll try and find out if they still charge.

  • G Money
    G Money

    I recall 2000 was the last year for where I was and believe most of the world, anybody have info to the contrary?

  • AuldSoul

    My folks contribute for their literature and then add anything the householders contribute. I have a hard time feeling any sympathy when they tell me they are short of cash. I was wondering whether it was a global donation arrangement now. Odd, they play up unity in every other respect but there was no unified change in this matter.


  • blondie

    Yes, I think here on JWD in 2000 it was discussed that the rest of the world had stopped asking for specific amounts for the publications and were following the "donation" arrangement used in the US since 1990.

    I wonder the French situation as something to do with making it international?

  • GermanXJW

    *** yb01 p. 18 Highlights of the Past Year ***

    Another factor in reaching more people with the good news has been the simplified literature distribution arrangement. Jehovah has blessed the faith shown by his servants in this matter. The voluntary donation arrangement is explained to people, but no charge is made for the literature. As of January 2000, that arrangement was extended to all lands where it was not already in operation.

  • ozziepost
    Jehovah has blessed the faith shown by his servants in this matter.

    Oh yeah? Really???

  • vitty

    I remember being shocked to read how a man in a poor country had to share his bible with the other 6 members of his family !!!!

    I thought why?????? Then I learned it was the US then the UK and other "well off" countries who had the donation suituation in place first ............makes sense.........dosnt it ????????

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