Ever hear of him? Do you think he's a nutbar? pure fiction? fiction/fact/fiction ala Dan Brown? I havent got an opinion yet, just wanting yours.
Zecharia Sitchin
by IP_SEC 18 Replies latest watchtower bible
Sam the Man
I think he's interesting. People would discard of his theories simply because he goes against the norm. He's not unique... Michael Tsarion, David Icke amongst others follow suite. Pretty interesting.
After about five minutes of David Icke I could tell he was nuts.
Zecharia Sitchin on the other hand gives me the impression that he is not at least on the outside a lunatic. I get the impression from him that he knows a little about what he is saying.
Im not sceptical by nature, so sometimes if something sounds logical Im inclined to give it a listen. Sitchin sounds logical to me, thats why I was asking.
Anyone else? Anyone debunked him?
Sitchin is a disinfo artist.
Robert Anton Wilson is more interesting.
Sitchen writes good science fiction, but none of it should be taken seriously. His linguistic errors and false etymologies belong to the realm of "fiction" not "fact". Here is one site that discusses some of this:
Nutbar, very crafty scammer. But hey, he makes good money fooling some of the people all the time.
Well, its more entertaining than Streiber's Visitors and its not a bad spin on the ancient astronaut myth. But beyond that, its just bunk that sells books.
I must admit though that I've read some of his tuff because painting Jehovah as a leader of the alien Annunaki enslaving people had a certain appeal born out by experience in another group supposedly run by him.
Darth Yhwh
I read two of his books (cant remember which ones). Threw them out when I moved and needed to lighten my load. Dont remember much about them really, other than that they were somewhat entertaining at that time of my life.