Just to say hi

by fullofdoubtnow 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • evita

    Hi Linda
    I am just about the same age as you but I left the witnesses many years ago. Unfortunately my mom was still in so my break from the JW was complicated. It is always difficult and painful to leave but it seems as though your exit could be relatively smooth. If you are enjoying your time away... take a deep breath, gather up your courage and ...Don't go back!
    Whatever you decide, we are here to listen. Welcome!

  • Mysterious
    I haven't missed going as much as I thought I would

    That is indeed part of their tactics. They make you feel guilty, as if you dont appreciate spiritual things if you profess to not get enjoyment out of the meetings. And how many times were we told that god's people were joyous and served him out of love and not fear. The truth of the matter is their religion provides nothing that we need to be happy in our lives and institutes hurtful policies such as the shunning you mentioned that only choose to damage us and those we are close to.

    Enjoy your stay at JWD and I commend you personally for your loyalty to your friend over what I very much consider to be a high control man-made religion. Hugs.

  • Es

    hello and welcome,

    Look forward to hearing more from you.


  • twinflame
    all my love, Linda

    I don't know why that touched me like it did. I just wanted to give you a big hug.

    Welcome to the board. I am fairly new myself but have seen more compassion, love and understanding here in a few weeks than I saw in over 20 years as a JW.


  • DanTheMan

    Hi Linda, you sound like a thoughtful person, and I applaud your willingness to come to a discussion-board such as this one in spite of the countless Warnings™ about Apostates™ that you have been subjected to all your years as a Witness. I hope you find the support you need here.

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