Looking back as the householder -- How well did you do?

by Jourles 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jourles

    Yesterday I was thinking back to when I used to go in service. I was never a shining example for the ministry. In fact, I was never used on the TMS for any field service "how to" parts! Lucky me -- now that I think about it.

    Anyways, when I looked back at my service experiences, I tried to place myself in the householder's shoes. Not a good idea. I recalled a few times when the householder gave me blank, expressionless stares as I was giving my presentation. Back then, I probably thought they were not able to comprehend the finer points that I was trying to make and hence I tried delving even deeper to explain what I was trying to *sell* to them. Now that I put myself in their position, I would give a blank stare too if I had to listen to that nonsense. My presentations were extremely basic - straight out of the KM, nothing more, and possibly far less. I hated going out in service. And my sales presentation reflected my brutal honesty when filling out my time slip.(if I didn't place any magazines, I put down a 0)

    I am of the opinion that you can only sell what is sellable. Example: Car salesmen dream of working at a Toyota or Honda dealership - the cars practically sell themselves. The same holds true for religion. A religion should be easy to sell if it is the one and only true religion in all of the earth. What does it tell you if you cannot sell your religion?

    If you've got the ultimate chocolate cake and no one is buying it, you'd better make sure that isn't a turd frosting on there before you present it.

  • Crumpet

    Jourles - thats an excellent point. If I had to listen to myself with my parroted presentation I think I'd look blank too. Mainly I was relieved when they heard me out and said they weren't interested and I could move on to the next door. I dreaded being asked any questions and when they did I usually handed over to my older door partner. I've never in the 14 years since I left been called on by the witnesses so I've never had the opportunity to be the householder for real.

  • dedpoet

    Although I was a regular pioneer for a couple of years, I don't think I was that effective at the doors. Certainly, no one ever became a jw as a direct result of me preaching to them, a fact that I am now very happy about. I did get selected for service meeting parts occasionally, especially after being appointed as an ms, but kh presentations are so easy anyway, the "householder" is always open to what you have to say, unlike on the doors where, according to the brothers they are apathetic. I used to think that, now I think they are just showing sound judgement when they send jws packing.

  • xjwms

    WOW good points

    I did my very best. I would turn on the salesmanship, every time I could.

    I would polish the presentations, use polished words, and sell the dream.

    Placed every time.

    UNTIL I could'nt anymore.

  • Crumpet

    maybe you were just really cute xjwms! I stopped placing when I stopped placing so much when I stopped being cute - when I turned 14!

  • Tigerman

    I did pretty well . . although I wasn't selling WT magazines, I was selling 'everyday' magazines like Field and Stream and such. You know who I mean, those young people that come to your door and try to make you believe that they're working their way through college or nursing school and then lay it on you to buy magazines from them. I was living a hand to mouth existence with all the money going to the " crew leaders" and their bosses.

    Ummm . . .kinda' like the WTS been doing for the last 130 years.

    Same scheme . . .different product.

  • Mysterious

    My mother was always after me that my presentations never got more elaborate as I got older. I never "brought out points", I never used scriptures, etc. I remember going to doors and being embarassed because the householder looked at me when the person I was with was giving a boring presentation and was completely unaware it was not going over well. Awkward

    I could easily see my boyfriend listening to an entire presentation and saying something like are you #$@ stupid?

  • CountryGuy

    Oh I totally sucked! Thank goodness! I'd feel sooooo bad if I ever brought anyone into this damn religion!


  • vitty

    I think I used the 2 same presentations for 20 years !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Cygnus

    I placed a handful of magazines. I was usually embarrassed by the study articles. During the big campaign of the Babylon the Grape series in the late '80s I was able to sell a few because I got caught up in the fervor and was newly baptized, or close to, can't quite remember.

    Never placed a brochure.

    Placed two books in my career. One, "Choosing the Best Way of Life" to a 40ish guy. When I made the RV his mother was there and she told me to get the hell off her property. Second was the Creation book to some college students. On the RV, they gave it back to me and basically said it was trash.

    So, I was a lousy publisher.

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