Rutherford's Psychological Profile - A survey of opinion

by VM44 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Check_Your_Premises
    In some of his photos

    I would like to see some of those photos!

  • TD

    Over the years, I've had several older Witnesses tell me that his (Rutherford's) conduct at JW conventions "stuck in their craw." One thing in particular was that he didn't feel he should move with the crowd, the same as everybody else, so his "cane men" and attendents would run ahead and clear a wide path for him right through the (JW) crowd. (There are even pictures of him walking through the path that had been cleared.)

    Most JW's were only too happy to scrunch aside so the "Boss" didn't have to rub shoulders with the common folk, but apparently some people were treated roughly if they didn't move fast enough.

    This obviously wouldn't fly today, but even in the time period (1930's) it strikes me as very much out of place for an alleged man of God.

  • VM44

    "Parting of the Red Sea" for Rutherford's passage! (along with Knorr and Covington)


  • greendawn

    CYP unfortunately I can't recall where on the net I saw those photos but he really did look like a vicious psycho.

    Let's remember also that he was a heavy drinking, spirit (demon) contacting, stressed out freak that had a soft spot for luxurious living, clearly he was motivated by the spirit of the world not the Holy Spirit.

  • VM44

    "Judge" Rutherford's extensive use of the title "Judge" indicates that he had a pompous aspect to his personality. (or, to put it another way, Rutherord was full of himself!) --VM44

  • VM44

    Here is the Time article TD posted in another thread.....Look at the expression on Rutherford's face! --VM44

  • VM44


    Why do you think the people put up with Rutherford back then?


  • TD


    Why do you think the people put up with Rutherford back then?

    I honestly don't know. I don't think the JW organization under Rutherford was nearly as obsessed with growth as it is now and because of that, I don't think Rutherford cared who he drove off. I would guess that any who couldn't or wouldn't put up with Rutherford probably did leave and this left only a core group of natural born bootlickers.

  • DanTheMan
    I realized the possibility of some old codger turning up bright and early some morning and declaring he was David. The men whom I have designated to test the identity of these men are officers of my societies. They will be divinely authorized to know impostors from the real Princes.

    Oh wow. That one says it all...ROFLMAO!!!

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Oh lordy let's not forget he hated women. Some of his quotes regarding women:

    • "a stack of bones and a hank of hair"
    • tipping your hat to women was an act of "idolatry"
    • "should keep their proper place"
    • should sit quietly at the KH
    • never face the audience but sit on stage with their heads covered to show submission (now I know where that came from)
    • not allowed to celebrate Mother's Day (It is Satan's plot)
    • "women make monkeys or dupes of men

    I can see why his wife didn't want to live with him

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