Amen... and amen, my dear little brother, kes (peace to you!)
Indeed, is our Lord not recorded to have said:
"There will be a resurrection of the righteous...
as well as...
"ALL those in the memorial tombs will hear his
voice... and come OUT... those who did GOOD things
to a resurrection of life; those who did VILE
things, to a resurrection... of judgment."
This will include EVERYONE who didn't take part in the 'first' resurrection... including Adam... Eve... Judas... and the people of Sodom and Gomorrah. All these died 'in the flesh'... but have yet to be 'destroyed in the spirit'. Their spirits exist STILL... although imprisoned per se, in the world of the dead. Thus, my Lord is recorded to have said:
"Do not be in fear of him that can kill the body,
but fear Him that can destroy the body... AND THE
SOUL (spirit)... in Gehenna."
Thus, when the the Prophet said, "The SOUL that is sinning, it itself will die," he was NOT speaking of the FLESH that sinned. The flesh will die, regardless. It is the SOUL... the 'preserving alive of the SOUL'... that is at issue. Satan knew this and while he led Adam and Eve into selling OUR flesh to 'sin and death'... he led THEM... to sell even their souls into it.
Anyway, peace to you all... and may JAH bless!
Your servant and a slave of Christ,