I really feel like I got punk'd! So, punk'd, that I messed up my family! All because I thought they knew better than me! And because I shouldn't hurt their feelings! I am so mad! Ugh! Of course, if I were to see them again, I'd still probably bow my head and feel like the scum of the earth! WTF?? What the heck's wrong with me???
Do you hate the person that converted you?
by MsMcDucket 21 Replies latest jw friends
wheres caleb?
Nothing is wrong with you. I want to repeat that one more time ... Nothing is wrong with you. I don't know you at all but I am absolutely sure that those that love you, would say the same thing.
If the person that converted you doesn't love you, then something is wrong with them. Never forget that!
no, i don't hate him. i feel sorry for him.
i converted someone myself while a zealous pioneer. the guy's engagement even broke up because he wanted to become a witness, and she thought it was insane.
fuck me, i hate myself.
The people who "converted" me were two nice folks, happily married with 5 children. Although I travelled from country to country, we kept in touch for years until we finally lost track. I'm sorry about that and wish I knew where they were. No, I don't hate them at all, they are good folks.
Now What?
no, i don't hate him. ; i feel sorry for him.
I can't believe it! Even though I enjoy your posts TS and have a great deal of repect for you, I NEVER thought I would ever agree with anything you say. But I do. I feel sorry for the folks that brought me in, because they are just as duped as the rest.
Just goes to show that the differences between a Christian and a red-faced crazy-eyed atheist with 666 tattoo'd on his forehead is only small potatoes compared to the dissonance and wackiness of the wt.
Keep on postin' TS, I love it
I loved the sister who studied with me. She was an anchor in a very turbulent time in my life. Even looking back from the other side of the JW experience, I have nothing but fond thoughts about her. I know she completely believed in what she was doing and certainly wouldn't have worked so hard to convert others if she thought it was anything but the truth.
She died over 14 years ago many miles from where we first met. I never had to experience her likely turning away from me when I left the "truth". I think if we had had to go through that, I'm pretty sure that, while I would have been hurt, I would certainly not have had any feelings of hate. I still feel that she was one of the most honest, humble, and caring people I have ever known.
La Capra
No, but I sure have a lot of resentment towards the elderly man who came to my mom's door about a year before I was born.
How can you hate the person who came to your aid when you needed some direction and answers?
I just wish my own parents or aunts or teachers were as interested in me as she was.
Joining the WBTS was not the worst thing in the world.
Any of us could have fallen prey to any number of very terrible and worse situations.
Lots of time is wasted in life. Lots of setbacks occur in the ultimately successful life.
The real winners in any race get back up on the saddle, back in the drivers seat, keep on trying to understand and get it right. -
Of course, if I were to see them again, I'd still probably bow my head and feel like the scum of the earth!
Why do you feel this way? What would make you feel like scum in their presence? THEY may think you're scum, but don't let that affect your view of you. You've pulled yourself out of a CULT! That's a huge accomplishment. You can and should be proud of yourself for pulling it off!I don't hate my study conductor or the woman that originally introduced me to the bOrg. I do pity them and wish I could help them, but I doubt that anything I said or did would help them.
Unlike Tetra, I was never successful in converting anyone. Thankfully!
On the other hand, while people are under the influence of mind-control, they'll do all sorts of things that they might regret later once freed from it. Don't be too hard on yourself, or them, for what was done while JW's. To a large extent, there was no helping it. Edited to add: Yeah, and everything banished1 said. Well put and good points!
No I don't hate the person who studied with me but at the same time I am not happy with them either. Hate is the opposite of love, hate is evil, love is holy. Jesus said to love thy neighbor and so I try to do just that as I love the Christ................