A Death in Yellowstone

by Preston 19 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Preston

    My mom called me while I was at work today and told me that two people from my old congregation died in September. I guess it was "national" news but it flew over my head. Drew and Brent Speedie were Jehovah's Witnesses that went to my old congregation and although they weren't "popular" or well known, I got to know them pretty well. They were unique. I remember Drew was the best speaker at the door, it amazed me how brilliant of a "salesman" he was.. and disciplined. When we use to go out in Field Service in the hot..HOT...AZ sun I would stop at a gas station to get a drink but Drew and his wife refused to stop, for them field service began and ended without any stops, or any breaks and they would always, politely stay in the car. They really were "model witnesses". So when my mom told me that Brent and Drew's car fell off a bridge at Yellowstone it really hit me... it was just... too suspicious... I don't understand it. I saw some pictures of the Gardner bridge on the internet and surrounding area, it looked quiet..peaceful, it's almost surreal to picture anyone dying in such a pretty area or a barrage of patrol cars sweeping down to gather evidence. I wanted to post a link to a picture of the bridge. Here is is:


    I guess it just reminds me of how absurb, weird and awful, and yet how strangely beautiful life is.

    I'm sorry I didn't get to known you guys better, I hope I see you guys again.

    God Bless....

    - Preston

  • Kaylen

    jw or not. It is always someones loss, someone dies someone is in pain. I am sorry.

  • Now What?
    Now What?

    Aww! That's terrible. I hate to see people get hurt. I hope that their surviving family had folks that could give comfort to one another.

  • bem

    Awww ((((((Preston)))))) I remember reading about that accident. I'm sorry I know it hurts.


  • Enigma One
    Enigma One

    I read about them...just didn't realize they were Witnoids.

    Course the local Witnesses probably wrote it off because they missed a Saturday field service or a Sunday meeting to go to Yellowstone so therefore had it coming....or some other sick analogy.

  • Rayvin

    That is such sad news.

  • TheOldHippie

    "Course the local Witnesses probably wrote it off because they missed a Saturday field service or a Sunday meeting to go to Yellowstone so therefore had it coming....or some other sick analogy."

    EnigmaOne, the only sick one here is you, because you try to misuse a tragic death. The only one making such a sick statement as you do here, is your evil mind. It is a shame misusing dead people to score easy points.

  • nilfun

    As I was reading the comments from those who knew him I began to see that he was quite a remarkable fellow, as was his son. My sincerest condolences to those they left behind.(())

  • misanthropic

    This story seems familiar to me too, I'm sure I read about it or had seen it online.

    I don't think I had realized they had been witnesses.

  • banished1

    Yes, tragic and very sad.

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