Would someone still mistake you for a Witness?
Do You Still *Look* Like A Jehovah's Witness?
by minimus 68 Replies latest jw friends
I wear 4 earrings on my left ear, I wear tight black jeans, a wallet chain and sometimes a trenchcoat.
When I'm not in those, I wear my Tae Kwon Do dobuk. So I belive no.
Lady Lee
By the way I dress - well when I wear a dress - yes. I love long dresses.
I have worn my regular dresses to DC and a couple of meetings and no one there thought I looked out of place. So by appearances I look the part.
I suppose it's possible. I don't wear really revealing clothing (at least not all the time ). I don't have any tattoos or piercings.
I do wear my skirts above the knee - ohmygosh - I'm such a sinner!
Oh - and do you think the little jack'o'lantern light up necklace I'm wearing today would tip anyones opinion one way or the other?
hmmm...i'm gonna have to go with. NO.
My hair has been through just about every color of the rainbow. The only reason why it looks semi-normal now was cause I got married a month ago and thought it would be received better if my hair was blond versus fire-engine red like it was before.
I wear huge, clunky earrings 14 gauge and smaller (sometimes). I've got a tattoo of a grasshopper on my calf and I'll probably get another cause I like them.
I still dress modestly. I don't think that will ever change...but then again I don't have a beautiful figure so at this point I consider it a niceity to everyone else that I cover up the jiggly butt. However, now i've got nifty shirts that expound on the virtues of sarcasm, how my cat can beat up your cat, and how Guiness is so much more than a breakfast drink.
I cuss and I drink and I act like a loon. I belch when I speak and I howl at the moon.
I married a worldly guy and even lived in sin! ::gasp!:: I take martial arts, and I celebrate holidays? Why? Because it gives me a chance to see family and friends and to remind myself that I'll never be alone again!
Of course I'd be mistaken for a JW. ark ark ark
The cross-eyed cat has spoken.
I probably still look like a witness when I go to work - suit and tie except on Fridays.
However, I hope I am a little more stylish than most of the dubs I see around here.
Well, since I'm an office manager for a law firm in Dallas, yes, I probably do look like a Witness still. However, I wear more pantsuits than dresses, so maybe that disqualifies me. Obviously that shows I'm not in subjection! (But I'm comfortable.)
Hair is getting too long...and the goatee...nope.
I have massive sideburns, wear baggy clothes, and have my hair in a mohican style alot of the time... So, I don't think I can be mistaken for one...
I'm fairly conservative but don't wear dresses to work. On job interviews and special social occasions I do wear dresses.I'm not the piercing, tattoo type. Will endure needles to give blood but that's it. Most of the people I work with could pass for JWs socially and clean up pretty good in suits/dresses.