Anyone have any real information if the great Exodus has begun? Tickle my ears-
Has the exodus begun now?
by toby888 49 Replies latest jw friends
Yeah, I think we've been seeing it for a while. ANYONE with a brain HAS to question things.
It would certainly appear so......
Highlight of 2004 Statistics
This year's Watchtower statistics shows very similar trends seen in the previous several years: plateauing in most developed countries in Europe, North America, and Japan, while continuing the steady growth in most of the African, South American countries, and those in the former Soviet Union. The number of those countries with negative or zero growth has increased from seven in 2003 to 22 in 2004.
The list of countries with zero or negative growth in 2004:
Australia, Austria, Belgium, Britain, Canada, Czech, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Hongkong, Hugary, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Romania, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, USA.While there are minor ups and downs, these overall trends in those so-called developed conutries seem to be very stable for close to one decade. If there is any small gain, that can be easily explained by the general population growth.
That chart makes me happy.:) If you don't mind, I'll keep it for my computer
That chart makes me happy.:) If you don't mind, I'll keep it for my computer
AK - Jeff
When is the soonest we will be able to see 2005 figures? Not until the Jan/Feb Watchtower comes out - or is there early reports since the service year has ended now?
When is the soonest we will be able to see 2005 figures?
I dont even have access to the magazines anymore but I am curious to see those stats too. A related question would be, if the numbers look really horrible, will the WTS fudge the statistics to hide the steep decline from the R+F?
If you don't mind, I'll keep it for my computer
LOL....I would like to paste it into a "Seasons Greetings Card" and send it out to all my JW relatives!!! LOL....but I just wouldnt have the heart! LOL
You can see a little bump from the 9/11 thing. I imagine all the natural disasters of 05 will bump it up some too.
I don't think of it as a great exodus but a slow leak. The internet has had a lot to do with it as well as the lack of a date to calculate like 1975, 1984, 1994. With the end of the 1914 generation many JWs have slowed down. Recent study articles show how the WTS is trying to rev up the flock by beating them.