Penton & the drama this year

by carla 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • carla

    In the book Apocalypse Delayed by James Penton he describes a 'drama' on pg 101-

    The greatest emphasis was again placed on the preaching work, and Jesus was described as a pioneer.In an assembly drama or 'morality play' on the Apostle Paul's companion Timothy, young persons fresh from high school were strongly discouraged from attending academies of higher learning, and an always laten Watch Tower animosity towrads university education bacame more evident.

    This sounds just like the drama from this summer. I was under the impression that some jw's thought this was a new drama. Do they just recycle this stuff all the time? This was from 1978.


  • Scully

    Yes, definitely recycled. I didn't see this year's Drama™ but I distinctly remember the story from the one that was done in the late 70s. After 1975 came and went, more young JWs were opting for college instead of Pioneering™ - I was one of them - and this Drama™ was intended to guilt them back into submission.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee
    Do they just recycle this stuff all the time? This was from 1978


    They really don't have any new things to say. It is allrecycled. Even the books. Just change a paragraph here and there, a sentence or two, slap a new title on it and sell it all over again. No reason why they wouldn't do that with the talks and the dramas.

    Plus they must think people are too asleep, too old, too forgetful, too new, etc to remember that they saw that before

  • Leolaia

    Hmmm, why don't they do a drama about great faithful Daniel who staked his life on his faith, and who accepted higher education in Babylonian society, accepted a pagan name, and went on to even accept various political positions in the great evil Babylonian empire?

  • kristyann

    I noticed from reading the various WT publications (books, Awake and The Watchtower magazines) that practically EVERYTHING is recycled. This is not to offend anyone that was ever a JW... but when I look at the articles that are used for the weekly Watchtower studies, I wonder how the dubs do not realize that these articles are almost always THE SAME. I mean, I read them pretty frequently just to see what's going on, I like to keep up to date... and once in awhile something really stands out, like the recent attacks on education (they hadn't done that for awhile, and they had loosened the reins on higher education, and it seems they're trying to tighten the reins again)... so once in awhile something like that really stands out... but other than that it is always the SAME OLD THING. And it is always very light. I know JWs are very well trained and versed in saying what they want to say and in arguing with people at their front doors, and at turning questions around so as to avoid answering them... but these articles are like something that a 4 or 5 year old should be reading. They are the same thing over and over again. Not only is it a messed up Bible, it's like the Bible Lite... actually, the Bible Super Lite Lite. I can see a 4 or 5 year old picking up on the fact that these are the same from week to week... do the dubs realize this as well and just not say anything because they're scared, or do they really not realize it? (Again, this isn't meant to offend.)

  • Mary
    Hmmm, why don't they do a drama about great faithful Daniel who staked his life on his faith, and who accepted higher education in Babylonian society, accepted a pagan name, and went on to even accept various political positions in the great evil Babylonian empire?

    Exactly. Or what about Joseph, who went on to learn all the "wisdom of Egypt" and became Pharoah's right hand man yet he still retained God's favour?

  • Cellist

    Kristyann, no offense taken. When I was still a believing Dub it used to drive me crazy. The same tired thing over and over and over. And on top of that, the writing was so dumbed down!! Boring! I'm so glad I don't have to read that drivel anymore.


  • AlmostAtheist

    Mary and Leo apparently don't understand the power of "New Light".

    Amen, Selah, Hallepeno.


  • Jamelle

    kristyann - I never read the Watchtower so I never noticed... Seriously - I spent as little time reading literature as I could during my career as a JW. Occasionally I would voluntarily read an Awake article about nature or something - that's about it.

    As to the way the magazines and other publications are written - can we say "c ondescending"? Your mind is guided as though you were a simple minded child. AARGH!

    On this board or another one I remember someone talking about being at an assembly where the speaker told the audience about some Professor so and so who had been called on out in service. On a return visit he told the young publisher that not only was their literature outstanding - but it was the equivalent of a college education. (The audience gasped at this point) LOL! What a hoot!

    I used to get really excited about the dramas when I was a little kid - I loved the costumes, etc. As I grew older the dramas seemed less and less good - more boring in fact. Most of them were modern day setting instead of historical - Yawn!

  • enderby

    the intellectual stagnancy of the borg and dub life is an insult to the human mind.

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