I was reading a post today about the kingdom songs we sang as JW's.

by booker-t 41 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Sheepish
    NW? (of the 'dodging rotten fruit' class)

    HAHAHAHA! Very good! I think I'll join you!

    It has been years, but the one that stuck in my brain was, "Kiss the son lest God be angry and you perish in the way" taken from Psalm 2 I believe. Most of them were very lame.I do remember Shulamite Maiden now that you mention it. I remember one that had a Hawiian thing behind it and made us giggle every time.Can't remember anything else about it.They must have added some since I left, is that possible?(I left in 80-81)

  • arwen

    I liked #77...Jehovah God is my Sheperd...from the 23th psalm. I sang the old Protestant version at a wedding (Non JW) when I was eight years old so I knew both versions..in fact I think I know three different tunes as I also sang in the church choir. I also liked Loyal Love....you know the one..."hey there all you thirsty ones, come and drink life's waters free" I had to put all the old gospel hymns out of my mind when I a JW but now I have an old songbook and I enjoy blasting them out on the old piano every now and then...(when I am home alone). Maybe this year I might even get to sing "Silent Night" for the first time in twenty plus years!!!

  • RichieRich

    On my Bethel trip, the R&F really enjoyed the song:


    eternal life, and happiness..

    The brothers sang the bold all deep, and the sisters got all screechy with the answer to the question. Then all their eyes got all glazed over, and they all sang the chorus together. Me and another brother were watching season 1 of Reno 911 in the back of the bus... lol

  • undercover

    I didn't much care for any of them. I remember back in the day when we had real, live piano players in the hall, we had one player that would spice up the song. For instance the strong, march type songs, this brother would make each verse stronger and give it more impact. But, alas, he only got to do it a couple of times before the elders counseled him on his playing. They told him he was bringing too much attention to himself as the player instead of to the music. The music was supposed to accompany the singers, not the music take over, they said.

    When they introduced the "new" song book, the baby shit brown one, I remember the brother giving the talk at the convention and his braggin how the new songs were "modern". I was really disappointed when it was the same old crap.

  • R6Laser

    I remember once in an assembly they had arranged a group of sisters and brothers to stand in the platform to sing every song in that day just to show us how it was done. It was supposedly because the CO wanted to make sure we were singing "loud" praises to Jehovah. It was one of the dumbest thing I've ever heard and took part in.

    When the song would start all you could hear was the ones singing from the platform since they were singing through the microphones. Almost everyone in the audience was looking at each other with a smirk in their faces, while they tried to immitate the ones that were supposedly showing us how to sing.

  • dedpoet

    I didn't like any of them really, being a rock fan they weren't my type of music anyway.I hope I never hear any of them again

  • stillajwexelder

    Stilla - are you kidding - wasn't that one where you needed a vocal bypass or a eunuch's operation to achieve the high notes!

    No the exact opposite - sung baritone -deep

  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    I was disfellowshipped (sheesh what a long word!) 33 years ago, so I have no idea if these songs are even sung anymore. However my favorite was titled either "Loyal Love" or "Loyal Love God Is Love." It started this way: Loyal love, God is love, this truth cheers us from above. Love caused God to send his son, who for us salavtion won." The chorus went" Hey there all you thirsty ones, come and drink life's waters free..."

    The worst one I can't even recal the title, but it had an irritating lilt to it that got on my nerves. It started this way "Prec-cious je ho VAH god we thank YOU for blah blah blah blah blah." It made me cringe.


  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    Oh yeah! I liked this one too!

    Myriad and myriads of brothers
    stand at my side to be
    Each one a mindless dimbulb
    beeping incessantly

    And as they keep on beeping
    gladly they let men know
    that to Je ho vah and his scam
    they their damnation owe

  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    On my Bethel trip, the R&F really enjoyed the song:


    eternal life, and happiness..



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