The end is nigh

by IP_SEC 54 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Hellrider
    Jesus Christ has been revealed discreetly, as he bestowed many blows to my body in order to share a portion of what he experienced by ungodly men upon the earth

    Ha ha, yeah, I bet JCanon "bestowed many blows" to your body.

    This is a sign from GOD. Is it in order to build wisdom or in order to provide truth and understanding? There will be 18 manly helicopters in the Holy Land as the number of the wild beast, or 3 expressions like baby frogs, or tadpoles. A mans helicopter resembles a tadpole

    You`re just nuts. N-U-T-S. Kokooo. Ding-dong.

  • IP_SEC
    Hmmm, I remember JCanon, JGraves, Brownboy, Larry


    Elijah=Brownboy. Same dude, different nick. Stephen Elleuse (sp) sorry BB/Elijah

  • Check_Your_Premises

    I just thought of something.

    There are so many people predicting the end of the world, that if it ever does happen, some guy in a dumster is bound to be right!

    Same thing with the jw. The will be saying the world is about to end until.... well, until the world ends. Then they will jump up and down saying this proves they are the one true religion as the fire and brimstone rains upon their heads.

    Man that will be annoying.
    (I hope I edited this before it was read. If not, I am so incredibly sorry. If so, never mind)

  • sir82
    Interesting to see that the 1975 speculation still lives on in muted form among the R&F.

    In this particular corner of the JW universe, there are several old-timers who have a variety of dates calculated, from 2005 - 2008, based on the original "1975 marks 6000 years since Adam was created" hypothesis:

    -- Adam was 130 was Seth was born, per Genesis 5. Seth was born to "replace" Cain, who was no longer fit to be ancestor of the promised seed. Cain was 100 when he killed Abel (not sure where they get this from). So, Adam was 30 when Cain was born, making him about 30 when Eve was created. Thus Eve, the last direct creation of Jehovah, was created when Adam was about 30, so the end comes 6000 years afterward, 1975 + 30 = 2005 (October, of course).

    Oops, just 5 days to go until that is de-bunked.

    -- Abraham crossed the Euphrates in 1943 BCE (WT chronology). 1,975 years later, in 33 CE, Jesus died. 1,975 years later, in 2008, is a nice symmetric time for Armageddon (there was some more reasoning on this, but I wasn't paying a whole lot of attention). Plus, if Jesus, "the last Adam", lived for 33.5 years, wouldn't it make sense that Adam was 33.5 years old when he sinned??? So, 1975 + 33.5 = 2008/2009 as the latest date for Armageddon.

    And there are others. One particular old-timer said he had been calculating dates for Armageddon's arrival since the 1950's. "What's your batting average?" I asked. The response was a sullen glare and a mumbled "not so good."

  • jgnat

    LDS, I do the same thing!

    I love setting "reminders" on my Outlook calendar for the 'day after' something tragic is to happen. It's like "pick up the dry cleaning." Always something mundane that makes me laugh.

    Proplog2 is the false prophet I remember well. His mistake was to set a date only a few months away. He was so easy to refute. I set my calendar and waited. The nasty thing is that he instantly dropped off the board, and a few of us feared he'd self-fulfilled the prophecy. But these end-time types are notoriously hard to kill off. He showed up again, six months later, whistling Dixie. He still pops in and out but he's stopped setting dates.

  • M*A*S*H


    Ignore these non believing heathens... they will be destroyed in that great day, AMEN!

    I still think that God in his wisdom will instruct you to create a web site, so your direct channel to God can be fully utilised and shared with those in need of your spiritual nourishment.

    Thanks for heads up on Nov 11 BTW...

    Has Jah told you anything about the Riots in Birmingham, UK... for the future?

  • Elsewhere
    Oh, I see Elijah is here. He has predicted november 11th as the date for "something significant", a world-wide disaster of some sort, could even be Armageddon...(

    Hell, if Mr. Elijah is willing to more clearly define "something significant" that can be measured and clearly identified and a cut-off date, I'd be more than willing to make a wager on this.

    Elijah, how much you willing to put on this?

    Throughout history countless millions have predicted the end of the world and they all have one thing in common: They were all wrong.

  • Check_Your_Premises

    I hope nobody read the original of my last post. If so, I am incredibly sorry.

  • carla


    Now we want to know what was in the original post!

    Do you think Elijah is serious or just pulling our collective legs?

  • Check_Your_Premises
    Now we want to know what was in the original post!

    The fewer that read it the better. One person reading it in particular would just break my heart. You didn't miss much. Just more evidence that I have a lot of growing up to do.

    I don't want to talk about it anymore.

    I don't think he is pulling our legs. I think he has a lot of problems, and this is his way to escape from his shattered life.

    He deserves our sympathy, no matter how annoying he and all the other faithful and discreet slaves are.

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