As kids did you do anything to your parents that was a Classic burn or really Embarrass them?
I was just telling a friend of mine what I once did to my Mom. Picture it! My Mother and Father and I(age 17)were at dinner. It was a really nice restaurant. We were all telling Jokes waiting for dinner to arrive. Well I told my mother I had a Joke but she had to stand up to get it. So she stood up. Then I said Bend over a bit...and spell the word RUN over and over really fast. Well, she did it. Best part was she didn't get it. Mom said it over and over and got louder. Dad and I were dying laughing. She got it afterward she was so embarrassed. It was awesome.
For those who didn't get it..... If you Spell RUN really fast over and over you say "Are you In?". think of it My mother bending over saying "Are you In?" in a nice restaurant.
Any more stories?
What did you do to your parents?
by whyamihere 17 Replies latest jw friends
LOL !!!
Excellent! I cant top that one!
When we were at the KH one night, my mom was talking to another sister and I kept trying to get her attention but she was ignoring me. I was probably 6 or 7 years old. I was standing in front of her and put my hands on her boobs (cupped them) and bounced them while saying "mom, mom, mom" over and over again until she finally answered me. She was very upset with me....
Darth Yhwh
When I was very young at a meeting, before I ever really understood the doctrine, they were discussing giving gifts. My mother decided to give a comment and in the middle of her comment I took the microphone hostage and yelled "happy birthday" into it. LOL
Same situation, different topic of conversation. The dubs were preaching about Jehovah's divine nature and the super powers that he has. This time I yelled "Super Man".
I would have to say that my mother was pretty embarrased.
Don't have any of parents but i do with a friend of mine . We went out for lunch and i kept gesturing to her that she had food on her mouth so she kept wiping her face with her napkin and after a few more minutes i did the gesture again . Finally she looks at me after she had wiped her face so many times and i could see the frustration on her face as to why she couldn't get the spot . I just lost it and burst out laughing and that got people sitting around us laughing even thou they had no idea what we where laughing at .
Try it next time ya go eat with someone,,,,,,,,,its really fun
I am monkey goddess / smartass
I can TOP all of those...........Trust me I am the queen of being a smartass!
We live in a smaller town. There was this really nice clothes shop were all the women who wore fancy expensive shit all the time would go there. My mother loved this store. Anyway, she called the store and wanted to order a jacket. After the phone call she left the house to pick up my brothers from school. Well I called up the store and apologized about "My Daughter" calling them and placing an order. I said that she is mentally retarded and does this all the time. I asked them to cancel everything. I told them to take note if they speak with her again and she starts yelling just to hang up or say "Your order is in" and then hang up. Well the nice lady said ok and all was good. Then the Manager called up 2 days later saying that the order was cancelled and that they were sorry for taking the order from a Mentally Challenged Person who is not capable of placing orders ....Well they were talking to my Mom....LOL Then I swear to god My mom started to yell saying she is not retarded. Then the woman got quite and said "Your Order is on it's way" and hung up... My mother was about to call back but then heard me laughing my ass off and knew it was me. That was funny.
ROLFL, now i know we are related
horrible life
Out in "service", you know how the sisters
gossipedtalked. I was 11 years old, and knew nothing about everything. My mom and the "sister" were talking about how Susie, age 17, in the congragation, was on the pill. I decided that it must be good juicy news, since my mother was appalled. So I made it my business to spread the word.And spread it I did. That was on Saturday. I called all of my friends, and the next morning before the meeting, I told more people. After the meeting, I was sent home with my relative. Mom and dad, would be late leaving. They were having a long talk with some brothers.
Needless to say, I got a talking to. About gossip mainly. No beating. Because the "sisters" had to take the fall. LOL But I learned a little about the birds and the bees that day. HL
I ran my mouth at the meeting (again) when I was seven. My dad was the Presiding Overseer. He decided to take me outside for a good spanking and I knew it. As he threw mw over his shoulder and carried me towards the back, I kicked my little legs and screeched, "No, help me! Somebody save me, he's going to beat me again! Help!" My dad was so embar-assed as the whole Hall turned around to watch. We got outside and he couldn't do anything so we went back in. My Grandma was in one of the rows and she didn't like him anyway, so I won that round!
Honestly, even though my mother would have deserved for me to pull mean pranks, I never did. Oh, I embarrassed her, but not intentionally. I loved her and I guess I knew she couldn't help the way she was. I would have rather died than hurt her feelings. Too bad she didn't feel the same way about me.