Dr. Vs. JW Mom on TLC "Real Stories of the ER" Last Night

by LDH 15 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • LDH

    Well there was a show on TV last night--and I am a real TLC fan.

    Anyhow, you know the routine, 16 year old kid comes in, massive trauma, JW mom does not consent to blood. As precious time is ticking away the DR. decides to try to get a court order.

    Bottom line, she is successful and saves the kid. She goes into the hallway to apologize to the JW mom, who tells her something along the lines of "Thank you so much for saving my son. Don't apologize, this was all in Jehovah's hands. This was the will of the Lord."

    The Dr. was dumbstruck.

    After some preliminary research on the web, I have found that she lives and practices right here in Fresno. I am going to send her an email tomorrow inviting her to lunch. I would love it if she could post her story here for other active JWs to see.


  • jgnat

    Very kewl. I hope the doctor responds to you.

  • Aude_Sapere

    Bimbo Mom and DumbStruck Doc.

    The words just came out like that..!

    I wish I had seen that episode. What idiotic logic that mother had. Think of all the time the doctor wasted while trying to circumvent the mother's 'conscience' only to have her express that all is fine. The doctor could have been treating other patients or spending time with her own family rather than dancing around thru the system to secure the court order.

    *Shaking Head*

    I would love to have the doctor post her thoughts here.


  • Mysterious

    Typical. JW cant go against her beliefs and doesnt want to be held accountable for doing the right thing and saving her son. So she was relieved the decision was taken out of her hands. At least the kid was okay.

  • coffee_black

    I saw the episode too.... typical jw scenario... made me really frustrated. Hope you get to have lunch with the Dr. Great idea!


  • DannyHaszard

    Thanks for the heads up posting,so this is the second show on JW's blood.The first one available for viewing is about 4-5 years old Trauma - Life in the E.R . - This is a 15 minute video clip documenting the story of a San Antonio, Texas (U.S.A.) Jehovah's Witness couple who were involved in a serious automobile accident. They requested and received Watchtower approved "bloodless" medical treatment. Both husband and wife died. Real Media player is required. http://www.dannyhaszard.com/cultvideos.htm click here

  • LDH

    Thank you all, and Danny esp. for the link. I will keep you posted.

  • TheListener

    I'm glad the doc took the extra step to get the court order and just didn't let the kid die.

    Good job. Well done.

  • M.J.

    Next showing is on Nov. 20th @8PM EST/PST. Say Your Prayers

    A man is bitten by a deadly rattlesnake and because of religious reasons cannot receive a blood transfusion- the ER doctors race to combat the toxins in his system without compromising his beliefs.without compromising his beliefs.

  • findingmyway
    So she was relieved the decision was taken out of her hands.

    When my brother was hospitalized, he was so ill that he could not replace the blood that he was slowly losing. He is not baptized, but he was 31 years old at the time. My father (former cong. elder), who is baptized and is conducting a bible study with my brother and his wife, counseled my brother that he should not get a blood transfusion. My uncle (my father's brother) who is also a baptist minister was very upset at my father's urgings and they battled over this. Finally, when my father was not around, my uncle convinced my brother to have the transfusion and his health quickly improved. He could have died. I wonder how my father would have felt had he lost his son. The family would have never forgiven him -- I certainly would have found it difficult to do so.

    I thought human life was precious. I would do anything to save my child, including giving my own blood, organs, or whatever else I could give for him to live.

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