Do you believe that you "should" help Witnesses get out of the "truth"?
Do You Think You Have A Moral Obligation To Help JWs?
by minimus 21 Replies latest jw friends
You can't rescue people who don't want to be rescued. And if they have enough doubts to seek you out, you decide what you can do and still not hurt yourself.
When I was stuck in the warped thinking of an enabler in an alcoholic family, I thought it was my mission to save the alcoholic. I realized finally that I didn't have the power to do that.
All you can do is help people think along a different line, see another choice, and if they are ready for it, give them support.
The moral obligation lies with the (alcholic) JW themselves.
Nathan Natas
One might think that to feel a moral obligation, a person must believe in God. Such is not the case. I believe that individuals are better served if their beliefs and their conduct work together to provide them the greatest benefit. If my neighbors are happy and prosperous, chances are I will be also, so it is in my self interest to help JWs to leave their bondage to the WTB&TS. My primary "moral" obligation is to myself and from myself to society.
Thus one can engage in a purely SECULAR rational anti-cult "ministry."
- the Reverend Natas
I believe that if we can help a JW see the light AND the Witness is so inclined---we should help them, if it's within our power.
I feel no moral obligation to enlighten adult converts who chose this religion of their own accord. Having said that, I do believe that society, collectively, is morally obligated to do everything in our power to stop JWs from 1) Sacrificing their children (who are innocent victims) due to their disgusting blood policies. 2) Breaking the law by willfully failing to report cases of child abuse that they become aware of.
No. But if they want to know information or ask questions I will surely provide it. But I won't be forcing anyone to get out if they don't want to.
I believe that if we can help a JW see the light AND the Witness is so inclined---we should help them, if it's within our power.
m&m, don't you think jws have seen enough light? oh wait, thats NEW light.
Nathan Natas
Kid-A said,
I feel no moral obligation to enlighten adult converts who chose this religion of their own accord. Having said that, I do believe that society, collectively, is morally obligated to do everything in our power to . . .
I disagree. There is no such thing as this "society" as a "group entity" that is obligated to do things that you as an individual do not believe you are obligated to do. That is one of the philosophical flaws of communism and other totalitarian societies, like the WTB&TS. For example, the WTB&TS will tell you that there is a group entity called the FDS who are guided by the Holy Spirit, then they will tell you that the men who are part of that priviledged group are merely imperfect men who are not inspired and prone to error. WhhhhhaaaaT? Have cake, eat cake, have cake. The construction of a "group entity" is an occult practice that relies on the imagination. Show me this "society" - what does it look like? where does it live? Give me a photograph of it so I can recognize it when I see it on the street. If you don't want to take on obligations, that is your choice, but I will not have you dictating what obligations >>I<< must assume on your behalf. -
2) Breaking the law by willfully failing to report cases of child abuse that they become aware of.
This is not a problem peculiar to the WTS. Thus in order to combat it, the laws must be changed on reporting and the statutes of limitations must be increased. I have found a climate of secrecy on abuse in the Catholic Church, LDS/Mormon, and several Protestant groups.Working with groups such as Silentlambs and SNAP
Will do this through the laws of the state/land. SNAP does not attack the religious doctrines of the RC, but they do fight the sexual abuse policies. Silentlambs does the same.
So if you want to help JWs and all people affected by the religious reporting policy, help these groups.
Individual JWs (even the elders) do not set the policies and the headquarters will not change unless the laws force them to. And if they still don't cooperate with the laws, the laws can be used to compel them to consider the consequences.
I'm pretty much in line with Min's thinking, If they want help, I *should* provide it. I never pass up a "I'm hurting" or "please help" thread. Not because someone's looking over my shoulder expecting me to do so, but because I'm ON my shoulders, expecting me to.
But I don't feel obligated to protest, expend resources mailing letters, painting my car with anti-Tower messages, etc. I don't fault those that do, but I don't feel obligated.