Buck Wild!!!!!

by billyjean 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • billyjean

    What's up all-

    I have been looking around for a while....some real intellects around here, also fun, humorless, sincere, lost, hurt......all walks of life, huh? This is my first time joining in, and I was just wondering if anyone went totally wild after leaving the truth? I know I went overboard...sex, drugs, and more sex. LOL. What are your stories of leaving and finally being free to be you?

  • kid-A

    Hey BillyJean, welcome to the board! You sound like fun!

    I was born and raised JW but faded out and was never baptized. I probably should have gone a little more buck wild, but I was pretty tame even after I left.....especially since I was enjoying my university education in complete freedom! Ironically, some of the wilder partying and "sinning" that I did was with active JWs!! LOL

  • Cygnus

    Stayed out all night at nightclubs, drank myself silly, joined a musical band.... but never got laid. Decided there was way too much committment that I'd feel. Also did the research thing, learned an infinite more than I ever did as a Witless. Wouldn't take a second of it all back.

  • billyjean

    Hey guys!!!!

    Sounds like you have both been more responsible than me.My parents discouraged college( probably couldn't pay for it anyway) so I am a high school drop out. I do want an education, career, all that, just need to get this wild hair outta my ass first. Thanks for the welcome....

  • kid-A

    Billy Jean,

    You are still young my friend.....you gotta go back to school!!!! Should be your # 1 priority.....remember, you can have a hell of alot of fun in college !!!

  • Jordan

    I was never baptised, when I first left I did hit a downward spiral, out all night, had sex with anything in a skirt, got wasted(alot), started doing some stupid shit, but I pulled up, sorted myself out, the most I do now is a little bit of weed, rarely drink anymore, and am waiting for a serious relationship. I

  • Jordan

    EDIT: Double Post

  • Jordan


  • Jordan

    Lol. and again, sorry...

  • Jordan

    How the hell did this post that many times?

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