Warning: Dirty joke
by MsMcDucket 14 Replies latest social humour
Um, well hows that? My parents would not allow cats inside the house. They were farm people, and animals were outside or in the barn. Please explain And, where is the dirt, anyway?
S (tsk)
What if you were born cesarean?
Ms MsDucket surely you can do better than that!!!
Misanthropic should tell the following joke because of her Irish heritage...
Did ye hear about de Irish newlyweds? And how dey stayed up all night waitin for der sexual relations to arrive?
he he he
Well, seeing we're on a dirty joke thread, I might as well tell one.
This nurse goes into a bank, and takes a rectal thermometer out of her purse, and starts to write a check. She realizes it, and tells the teller..."Wouldn't you know it....Some a$$holes got my pen!
Please explain And, where is the dirt, anyway?
I guess no dirt in being born. It just the way it stated. If you were born naturally, you would have had *(&^ wrapped around your neck. Get it? Ok, I'll have to come up with a better dirty joke!
A man comes home to find his wife packing her bags. " Where are you going?" asks the husband. " I'm leaving," says the wife " I just found out it pays $800 a pop in Italy to do what I did to you last night!" .......The husband laughs hysterically. " What is so funny?" asks the wife.
" Have fun living on $800 a year!" replies the husband.
I haven't thought of anything, yet. I guess I'll have to ask my teenaged daughter!??
OK, what about this one?
What does Osama Bin Ladin and pantyhose have in common? They both irritate bush!
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