If you were a JW, you know that everything hinged upon getting privileges, doing more, climbing the theocratic ladder. If we "made it" to ministerial servant, our goal was to reach out and be an elder. If we were part of a family that had an elder, m.s. or pioneer in it, we really were considered someone! If we placed more magazines and books than our brother or sister, we were praised!------- All of these things makes us feel good! We needed to feel very special. Perhaps we might even get a part at an assembly or better yet, a district convention. Funny thing is that for those of us that got to the top, we realized that it's all a sham and a shame. We all were fooled.
The Watchtower Caste System & How We All Bought Into It
by minimus 37 Replies latest jw friends
What did Jesus say about the smallest one of you is the biggest...or something like that.
True, Minimus,
when you reach the top or close to it, you realize how political it all is. Its about who you know, and what you do for them that determines how you get ahead. It was sickening, as most dont realize how much brownnosing you have to do, until you get certain privileges.
What did Jesus say about the smallest one of you is the biggest...or something like that.
I don't like to brag.
The way of the world since king tut,the driving force in the wt's carnal cult IS the trifecta of the 3p's- Power + Prestige + Pu**y
My last stand Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses Rockland Massachusetts was all about the saga of the "cools vs.the "geeks"
I went out to eat and payed with my visa card and was reproached for not having american express (for members only) that's right 6 billion men women and children gonna die and that's what's important to them.Ass-"wholes" from the get-go-Danny Haszard Bangor Maine i was in the cult and now i'm out
~Hill (dont play well with others class)
Hi Danny,
payed with my visa card and was reproached for not having american express
Huh? What? Why would they prefer American Express over other cards?
And why would they even bother to say anything? Shouldn't matter what card one uses at all.
Stage time seems to be the coin of the realm. The harder you worked the more time you got on stage. Although teaching ability was a requirement in the Bible - the only requirement now is field service time. The result is unbearably boring meetings - no creativity.
ALL human endeavors that are coordinated through an organization become political. It can't be avoided.
Even though elders have little power compared to the Governing Body - they at least get to vote when they add someone to their sacred group. Sisters, ministerial servants (which are really men who have no balls) have absolutely no influence on any decisions.
And why would they even bother to say anything? Shouldn't matter what card one uses at all. Strange.
"Ministerial Servants (which are really men who have no balls)".....I LOVE THAT!!!!!!!!!!