Did Rutherford Smoke?

by VM44 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • VM44

    Rutheford had only one good lung, so I would be surprised if did smoke.

    However, here is an idea, suppose Rutherford gave up smoking in 1935, hence the ban on smoking at headquarters being put into effect in the same year.

    Just speculation though. It would be very interesting to see any picture of Rutherford with a cigar in his hand.


  • littlerockguy

    "It would be very interesting to see any picture of Rutherford with a cigar in his hand."

    If not all of them were collected and destoyed.

  • Leolaia

    Good point about Rutherford's pneumonia. It does make it more unlikely that he was a habitual smoker.

  • skinnyboy

    if your gunna smoke, then a cigar is the "healthiest" option.

    I had to laugh at the post above "they used to have a break for a cigarette in the meeting" how awesome would that been!

    I know its a filthy habit, but i love a smoke, and as "god" gave me free will, and he apparently created tobacco, and everything has its "purpose" surely it would be praising his creation by enjoying some rough shag and a brandy whilst discussing his wonderful creations.

  • garybuss

    I thought I saw a copy of the Rutherford smoking picture on a CD of Watch Tower archives offered on ebay. I couldn't tell by the sample and I wasn't interested enough at the time to buy the CD. I think I just saw it last winter. Now I kinda wish I'd a bought it.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    leo I'm shocked at you This is the first time I think I disagree with you on anything til now

    Good point about Rutherford's pneumonia. It does make it more unlikely that he was a habitual smoker

    I know so many people who have serious lung disease (my father for one) who insisted on smoking right til they got him in the hospital where he died with an oxygen mask on his face and still wanted a smoke to the last day. He could barely talk but he wanted those smokes

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Haven't been able to find any pictures yet.

    Gary By any chance the pic you saw was he leaning on a white car and he was wearing a light colored suit? That's the image I have in my head

  • Poztate

    He must have been smoking SOMETHING...Look at the SHIT he wrote

    It is surprising how many JWs smoked until 1973. There were even smoking breaks at the meetings.

    I rejoined just before this time. My brother and his wife had a baby. It was custom to hand out cigars and he gave me one.I smoked it and thought nothing of it. I happened to mention it in FS and a few of the brothers got a little excited about the whole thing. I was never reproved and no elders talked to me about it but I could tell they didn't like it...

  • blondie

    Rutherford's 1933 book, Preparation page 64

    Enlightenment proceeds from Jehovah... and is given to the faithful anointed.... the remnant are instructed by the angels of the Lord. The remnant do not hear audible sounds, because such is not necessary. Jehovah has provided his own good way to convey thoughts to the minds of his anointed ones.

  • garybuss

    Gary By any chance the pic you saw was he leaning on a white car and he was wearing a light colored suit? That's the image I have in my head
    I wish I could remember. I recall I thought it looked like he had a cigar sized item in his hand. It seems like there were other people in the picture. Maybe the CD will show up again. If it does, I'll buy a copy.

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