Sooooo Proud!

by searching4? 12 Replies latest jw experiences

  • searching4?

    There are 6 kids in my family. 5 of us are disfellowshipped. LOL, seriously. Anyway, the youngest, my little bro, Brandon ( who hasn't spoken

    to me in 6 years ) is the one that is still in the truth. Although I don't agree with the witnesses, I have always been proud of him for doing what

    is right in HIS heart. We were all raised in the truth and it's all he knows. I'm not mad at him for not talking to me. I know he's only doing what

    he feels is thr right thing to do. About 6 years ago, he moved to Bethel. He worked and lived there for 5 years, until he met a young sister, who

    he fell in love with. He proposed to her and their wedding date was to be this November. I was happy for him at first, but hten I started hearing

    stories from my mom ( still a witness, but chooses to have a relationship with her df'd kids) Jamie ( my brothers fiancee) sounded very

    controlling, what's worse is the way my mom was treated when she went to visit them in New York. One night at dinner, Jamie's mom attacked

    my mom telling her it's no wonder her family fell apart and she had 5 df'd children. She ridiculed my mom for not providing us with a college

    education( I don't know about you guys, but we were always taught that college was to be discouraged because it took away from time in the

    ministry) and blamed her for leaving my dad. ( he was physically abusive to my mom for years, and the elders did nothing about it) These

    people were witnesses. You know, the ones that are so loving and supportive of other " brothers and sisters?" I was shocked at the way my

    mom was treated, and of course my mom ( sweetest lady in the world) was absolutely devestated. As the wedding day approached my mom

    was continually treated with disrespect, and eventually, Jamie's mom told my mom not to bother coming to the wedding. WHAT?? This is my

    mom's youngest son, and the only one that was in the truth. She lost it, and I wanted to fly to New York and kick some ass!!! No one in my

    family could believe that Brandon would allow this to happen, and we were all furious that he didn't stand up for mom. My mom has been

    heartbroken about it, especially with the wedding coming up next month. Well, mom called me yesterday to let me know Brandon called off the

    wedding and broke up with Jamie!! I can't imagine how hard this was for him. Brandon is not a very strong person(explains why he never left the

    truth) and for him to stand up to Jamie and her family after they had paid for this extravagant wedding, must have been sooo hard for him. This

    is his first step toward thinking for himself and doing what is right. It gives me hope that he will one day see the real truth and we can again

    have a relationship. I love him and miss him and I am sooo proud of him for being strong, I just wanted to share this story. Thanks for reading.

  • luna2

    Good boy! It would only have gotten worse after the marriage.

    Yes, Jehoover's people are all so terribly loving, supportive and kind, aren't they? What a shining example of the fruit of the loom...I mean, spirit.

  • Legolas

    Good for him and your family!

  • mouthy

    Why not send him what you wrote here. I am sure he would be happy even if he doesnt talk to you any more ---What have you got to lose .??? Out of the heart the mouth speaks. & your heart spoke! very well

  • enigmatic

    I would be proud too, thats awesome! J

  • forsharry

    That's fantastic! And your attitude is most excellent. I remember my mom said to me after my family was no longer in the organization anymore that all she wanted for me was to be happy. You want the same for your brother, despite the fact that this unloving organization calls for the amputation of family/friends/etc and you've lost your connection with him. I hope he does wake up, but more importantly, at least to me...I hope that he in the end is happy.

    /end babble

  • searching4?

    Thank you Mouthy,

    I would love to send this to him, but we have completely lost contact, and I don't want to put mom in the middle by asking her how to contact him.

  • mouthy

    I understand

  • Billygoat

    *clapping for little brother*

    Searching, this is wonderful! Standing up for oneself is a very difficult thing to do when you feel you have a lot to lose. Obviously, for your little bro, the pain of losing fiance was NOT greater than the pain of standing up for himself. Good for him!!!

  • skinnyboy

    its a start, that little seed of doubt in his mind. he might contact you, stranger things have happened. Props to your brother, for kicking this bitch into touch!

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