The Al Qaeda Connection: International Terrorism, Organized Crime, And the Coming Apocalypse
By: Paul L Williams
Customer Review: 5 out of 5
An Alarming Read for Concerned Americans
Paul Williams has postulated a plausible Al Qaeda nuclear plot that could be the death knell for America as a democratic nation and an unimaginable number of her innocent inhabitants. I was impressed by the authors ability to put together the disparate pieces of Al Qaeda's complex international matrix of terror. Osama's "patient" long term plan to execute an "American Hiroshima" in a simultaneous nuclear attack on seven major US cities is beyond Hollywood's wildest imagination, yet unfortunately it resonates with the sound of truth.
Mr. Williams meticulous footnoting lends a great deal of credence to his overall thesis that Bin Laden has successfully worked with Organized Crime from the Chechan Mafia, (to acquire tactical nuclear suitcase weapons during the chaotic period following the break-up of the former Soviet Union in the early '90s),to the most notorious El Salvadorian street gang, (to allegedly smuggle nuclear material and up to 5,000 Al Qaeda sleeper cell agents into the US via Mexico).
The paramount question for critical thinkers in reading this book is whether Mr. Williams, a former FBI consultant, has created a network of international terrorism based on fact or fiction. I would assert that most of what he writes about is not idle conjecture or hyperbole. Mr. William's research appears genuine and fact oriented, based on reliable intelligence acquired from multiple sources.
We should not put our heads in the proverbial sand, and deny the possibility, if not probability, that an apocalyptic nuclear nightmare awaits America in the near future to make way for the fruition of Osama's dream of establishing an Islamic caliphate here in place of our Judeo-Christian culture and allegedly decadent democracy. Rather, lets use the dire warning Mr. Williams convincingly conveys to our mutual advantage by insisting our government leaders take any and all remedial measures necessary to prevent the nuclear destruction of our nation's populace and economy.
Customer Review: 5 out of 5
Reality Check
Paul Williams ties together an impressive chain of evidence to give a frightening look at what Al Queda is planning for America and the world. The knowledge of their full intentions can shake us out of our lethargy to confront and defeat this threat. Just as troubling as the threats presented in the book was my awareness that we are not given any of this information in current mainstream news. Williams ties it all together and connects the dots.
Customer Review: 5 out of 5
The Possibilty of Checkmate
There is no sensationalism in this powerful and focused account. In a quiet and factual tone, Paul Williams draws together threads and connections obscure to most of us (what do we know about the Albanian Mafia? or the Egyptian-born sleeper agent within the Green Berets?). A terrifying sense of inevitability emerges. Never before could a ragtag collection of partners in high-tech crime threaten to bring down an entire nation-state, let alone the most powerful in the world. Read it and wonder: will it happen tomorrow?