Is your congregation on medication?

by toby888 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • somebodylovesme

    Four female Witnesses and one male Witness that I know are on some sort of anti-depressant .. and yes, so are a lot of non-Witness friends of mine. It's not exclusive to them, and I'm wary about saying that external circumstances usually or always "cause" depression, given natural chemical imbalances and such. But as someone said, the whole "happiest people" thing makes the Witnesses' use of drugs hypocritical.

    I've heard one of them say that "The World" causes the depression ... so it's not their fault. It's because they see the "truth" of how "horrible" the world is that she is depressed. It's because they see Satan's role that they are unhappy. They will be happier once this System Of Things is destroyed. (die! die! die! )

    I don't know that that aligns with WT theory, but that was something she said about why she felt unhappy. Heck, if I believed there were nothing redeeming about life and that everything was evil and nothing was meant to be good, except a freaking religion, I'd be pretty depressed, too.

    Fortunately, I'm not a fatalist.


  • gumby

    I you'll read the side a a prescription bottle it says..." federal law prohibits the transfer of this drug to another person"

    If the witnesses obeyed the law as they boast of doing so well........they wouldn't be trading prescription drugs back and forth as they do so often. They disfellowship you for smoking a joint because you break the law.......but they borrow and trade pills like junkies. Bastards!


  • steve2
    This is very true. Anti depressants are very in vogue currently and about half the women I know, both JWs and non-JWs are on them. This just shows that JWs are, again, no different from "worldly" people...they just pretend that they are.

    Hey luna2: I can live with this kind of statement. Well said!

  • R6Laser
    I you'll read the side a a prescription bottle it says..." federal law prohibits the transfer of this drug to another person"

    If the witnesses obeyed the law as they boast of doing so well........they wouldn't be trading prescription drugs back and forth as they do so often. They disfellowship you for smoking a joint because you break the law.......but they borrow and trade pills like junkies. Bastards!

    This is true about more than just witnesses. The thing is that we are trying to find bad things we can come up with so we can put them down, but deep down they are like any other group of people. They have problems like any other person in the real world, the thing is that the WT paints it likes they are the happiest people on earth, when in reality they are not.

  • gumby
    The thing is that we are trying to find bad things we can come up with so we can put them down, but deep down they are like any other group of people.

    Deep down they disfellowship people for breaking the law as I said then break the law themselves when they feel like it.....such as trading and giving out drugs to those it's not intended for.

    Yes witnesses are people.....but this Organisation is different in how they handle their flock who are indeed......just people.


  • R6Laser
    Deep down they disfellowship people for breaking the law as I said then break the law themselves when they feel like it.....such as trading and giving out drugs to those it's not intended for.

    Yes witnesses are people.....but this Organisation is different in how they handle their flock who are indeed......just people.


    I agree with you. I remember elders who thought they were above everyone else, elders sons who got away with everything just because their fathers were elders in the KH. My own cousin who was a son of an elder got away with doing whatever he wanted, and he never got in trouble because of it. I got sick of it, so I decided it was time I turn the tables, I told them I was not going to let them run my life, I was the one in charge. It seem to have worked because since then they haven't bothered me.

  • gumby

    It's nice to have you here R6Laser.


  • R6Laser

    It's nice to have you here R6Laser.


    Thanks Gumby.

    I was a lurker for some time, then I decided to join the fun.

  • mjs mouse, ben
    mjs mouse, ben

    I always said that Pfizer pharmaceuticals(zoloft) and GlaxoSmithKline(paxil) would definately be out of business if it weren't for the Witlesses!

    although i knew of a few men that self medicated with alcohol.

    This type of "medication" yes probably many that try to hide it also. As far as the prescription meds we have a few who are on them and a few who should be on them.

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