I often tell people, if I have to believe in a "guy in the sky", I'm an atheist. But what do I do with the fact that nearly every major theroretical physicist in the past century believed in something spiritual. I doubt even Jesus believed in the "guy in the sky" concept that Christendom promotes. I wonder if dismissing the 'guy in the sky' notion is a step toward the next level of spirituality?jst
Okay that Jesus guy, did he really live? I'm so very doubtful of the entire Bible and I have yet to make myself read the historical non-biblical facts of the time he was said to live in. I guess I have enough on my plate to deal with today, the present life and have no need or desire to figure out anyones past life. Yeah I'm a lazy s.o.b. I admit it, but really today is all I can handle and besides how would knowing about the past help me today? I mean will it put money in my 401K? Fund my children and grand children through college? Pay my mortgage? Yeah I'm also a money hungry bitch! So put that in your pipe doG and smoke it.
So Steve did I ever tell you that just seeing your user name here on JWD for the first time helped me to reconsile my belief in the two laws, love yourself, love your neighbor in otherwords do good pass it on and Karma and all that stuff? Ya gave me chills my man, yes a real lightbulb moment for me.
My .02 on life.