God telling us something through coincidences?

by jst2laws 29 Replies latest jw experiences

  • bikerchic
    I often tell people, if I have to believe in a "guy in the sky", I'm an atheist. But what do I do with the fact that nearly every major theroretical physicist in the past century believed in something spiritual. I doubt even Jesus believed in the "guy in the sky" concept that Christendom promotes. I wonder if dismissing the 'guy in the sky' notion is a step toward the next level of spirituality?


    Okay that Jesus guy, did he really live? I'm so very doubtful of the entire Bible and I have yet to make myself read the historical non-biblical facts of the time he was said to live in. I guess I have enough on my plate to deal with today, the present life and have no need or desire to figure out anyones past life. Yeah I'm a lazy s.o.b. I admit it, but really today is all I can handle and besides how would knowing about the past help me today? I mean will it put money in my 401K? Fund my children and grand children through college? Pay my mortgage? Yeah I'm also a money hungry bitch! So put that in your pipe doG and smoke it.

    So Steve did I ever tell you that just seeing your user name here on JWD for the first time helped me to reconsile my belief in the two laws, love yourself, love your neighbor in otherwords do good pass it on and Karma and all that stuff? Ya gave me chills my man, yes a real lightbulb moment for me.

    My .02 on life.

  • Simon

    The most amazing coincidence I heard was on TV:

    A guy was walking down the street with his wife on his holiday from work. As they walked past a public phone box it started ringing so he picked it up and the woman at the other end who knew him started talking "Hi Bill, it's Joan from work ... I just wanted to check the date you are back off holiday ...". It was the woman from the payroll dept.

    When asked how she knew to ring that number she said it was his number on file but on checking again it turns out she had run his payroll code instead which just happened to be the phone box he was walking past !


  • upside/down

    Watch "Magnolia's"....wierd.


  • Robdar

    You shouldn't have used the word "Truth" (tm) in your prayer. LOL.

    Hehehehehehe. Yup.

  • belbab

    Back in 1967, while still a Dub, I was sitting in an international airports waiting room at night. It was a very stormy night, The heavy rain and windstorm was hammering against the windows People were standing near the window that faced the runway. They could not see anything. But they were anxious about incoming flights. One woman started to cry and moan with fright.

    Over the loud speakers came the announcement that Flight # 666 from Rome was nearing the airport.

    I thougt,almost a conviction, was that the plane would crash.

    A few minutes later, the announcement came that the plane had safely landed.

    Was the universe telling me something? Sure. It was telling me loud and clear that I as well as the organization I belong to was not in accord with neither "God, Jehovah or the Universe.

    J2Laws, What does your odometer say now, after a few days? Did you stop right there and never ran your car since? I'll give you ten dollars if your odometer still is at 144,000.

    Was the universe telling you something? Certainly! Just as your odometer continues counting after you pass the kingdump hall, the 144,000 number of those marked in Revelation can continue to grow after that number is reached. Just as your odometer at a certain point in time says 144000 so at a certain period of time the number anointed (TM) reaches that point.

    Your experience is what is called synchronicity. If you want to learn more, by doing a search on Jung and Synchronicity. Synchronicity has meaning for the person who experiences it. Someone else a non JW, would not even be aware of the two synchronous events.

    belbab, resurfacing.

  • clear2c

    LOL when I registered for this site I was starving hungry so I just left the page open and the computer on and walked over to the taco bell on the beach about a block away and ordered a burrito especial 99.cent with sour cream and green sauce a carmel empenada (fruit pie) and a x large diet coke.

    GUESS THE TOTAL 6.66 WOT! and me order number 144!!! YIKES!!

    So I come back and am eating and this ANNOYING fly keeps flying all around me and landing all over me... hehehehe later to only find the same fly in the bottom of the wax of my burning candle YIKES wots going on here!

    Crazy but True!

  • belbab

    What in hell is going on?

    Just2laws, starts this thread and asks if anyone ever passed a Kingdom hall and his speedometer read 666.

    On Oct 29 over one month ago I replied with a post giving an experience regarding Flight 666 from Rome.

    This morning I visited this site and had a message from someone who asked me about Rev 15:2 and referred to my post about 666. I couldn't remember any post about 666 and wracked my brains trying to remember. Finally I remember writing a post about 666 and located it.

    I don't usually keep track of the number of my posts, but when I went back to the original thread I was drawn to the number post 646 of 665 posts.


  • AuldSoul



  • belbab


    I am stuck at post 666. I just wrote post 667 and it didn't register. I want to see what happens to this one. will it be 668 or 667?

    What I wrote in post 667 was:

    Who says that God does not have a sense of humour? Or maybe it is EL DIABLO himself?


  • jst2laws


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