Bryan: I'm sitting here crying

by Lady Lee 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I had to stop reading for a bit. You're at the gas station and Jack comes to meet you.

    OMG I am living this with you. It has triggered so many memories of my own "abduction" by my father (3 years) and the reunion and later more abandonment (another 3 years) and rejection. The lies, the stories, the not knowing what to believe.I beleive it all because I lived my own version of this story.

    I am relating to this book in a way I never expected.

    Have to keep wiping the tears away so I can type.

    I want to find out more but I'm scared. Probably similar to what you experienced.

    One of my brothers was missing and we thought dead for 25 years. I know the feelings so well. We found him 5 years ago but I still have not held him in my arms or seen his face - just pictures. But in those pictures I see the boy I used to take care of and protect.

    I feel the electricity, the sadness for the losses and the expectation of what will he be like. When we meet (I hope sometime this year) I know I will feel all the things you say in the book.

    damn there's the tears again.

    Thank you for writing this and the gift of rememberance and hope

    Now when I can see the page again I will get back to reading

  • sf

    Lee [edited to correct name], take a nice hot oil bath sometime this week and cry your heart out. Trust me on this, it does wonders.

    {{{ Bryan }}}

    Love, sKally

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    "Have you seen my mother?"

    Get it. Read it!

    Still have half the book to go

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Thanks skally

  • codeblue
    codeblue amazing the affects of that book.

    I would love to order it as well.

    I have seen movies that do the same thing to me, mirrored some of my life experiences and I just weep!

  • hubert

    Lady Lee, I'm halfway through it, too. I'm so glad I have it. I never realized that some j.w.'s can be this bad, seeing they are supposed to be following in Jesus' footsteps.

    What a bunch of hypocrites.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    CB I had no idea that this book would echo so much of my past. One more layer of abuse on top of all the others

    I have not read any of Bryan's threads about the book. The only thing I knew was what the jacket said. I think I was really unprepared.

    I'm blown away.

    One more layer of recovery to get through.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    most of the JWs I know are good people. But you are right "some people" are just downright nasty. And sadly the WTS has the ability to make even the good ones act in ways that are contrary to nature

  • hubert
    some people" are just downright nasty.

    That's why I said "some people". I think most j.w.'s are good people also, and they just feel like they want to save the world, but this kind of cult can breed the worst kind of people, also. The ones who take advantage of being in a controlling situation, for their own pleasure.

    Read on, my dear Lady Lee, the plot thickens.

    (((((hugs to you)))))


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    My head is spinning and I can barely read my eyes are so sore from crying --- taking a break for a bit

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