This is a long read and make sure you are refreshed and alert. If you understand the argument here it may change your view of God's existence entirely! Go to the article, "Why I Believe in God".
If it does then I shall be the happiest person in this forum. Wait, there is no 'if' about it. Someone who is wavering on the edge of unbelief or maybe an outright unbeliever will see the truth in the argument here! Please don't rush to judgement. Take time to read this and understand what this fellow is saying before you respond. Resist the urge to glance over it in order to castigate me and score points with the elite clique.
Chew on this one, my athe...oops, agnostic friends!
by Shining One 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Shining One
I believe in a god or The Great Spirit and maybe other gods and goddesses. In other words, there is something greater than us.
And I've always respected Jesus. Never thought he was God. Even as a child growing up in the Epicopal Church. I still have respect for him and feel like people do a lot to bring shame on him, mostly those that claim to follow him.
nope. nothing in it for me. i was drunk on the concept for a bit though.
but now i'm hung over...
actually, van til is a bit dense, in classic Governing Body style. does anyone else get the watchtower hee-bee-jee-bees when you read something like this:
In short, as a person of intelligence, having a sense of responsibility, you have from time to time asked yourself some questions about the foundation of your thought and action.
i do. then again, it's all the same difference.
van til, at the end of the article, shows us his true fears. the fear of chaos. afraid to look at the universe the way it really is. he says he can't help it, since childhood. well, whooptie-doo! join the other masses of homo sapeins!
So you see when I was young I was conditioned on every side; I could not help believing in God. Now that I am older I still cannot help believing in God. I believe in God now because unless I have Him as the All-Conditioner, life is Chaos.
poor man! Chaos is simply organized activity of which we are unable to descern the patterns yet! Kind of like calling every swelling of the joint arthritis! Don't know what it is, give it an emotional handle akind to mystery. Friend should read some chaos theory!
WOW! What a compelling arguement. It all makes sense to me now.
I guess there IS a good reason why all of God's human creation must be killed. That naked lady listening to the talking snake created all sorts of heavenly issues that need to be resolved by the slaughter of humankind (minus the select few like me).
And God's wars...well maybe I don't understand why kids had to be killed just because they were born on coveted property, but God has to have a good reason and who am I to question that?
And I guess it's really not odd that the miraculous events and supernatural interactions mentioned in the Bible never occur in our modern reality. True, all of the other religions on Earth tell of similar miraculous happenings without corresponding evidence, but they aren't true cuz they are not part of the Bible.
And the Bible really is true. Constantine was God's agent when he sifted through the 800+ religious works and arrived at the 66 that we now call the holy Bible. Yeah, he was still a pagan worshipper at the time, but he was on his way out and just employing theocratic warfare to spread Christianity.
Thank you, I AM SAVED. The rest of you go to hell !!
-FW ;)
What risible nonsense. I'd imagine most believers are embarrassed by the tail-chasing antics of Cornelius Van Til.
since I believe in such a God, a God who has conditioned you as well as me, I know that you can to your own satisfaction, by the help of the biologists, the psychologists, the logicians, and the Bible critics reduce everything I have said this afternoon and evening to the circular meanderings of a hopeless authoritarian. Well, my meanderings have, to be sure, been circular; they have made everything turn on God.
The "circular meanderings of a hopeless authoritarian" is exactly what Van Til's arguments are. The fact that he recognises people will see this in no way strengthens his argument. It's like someone saying: "You'll probably think I'm crazy but I believe aliens are communicating with me through the toaster." Yes, I do think he's crazy, and the fact that he predicted this doesn't make him any less so.
Van Til's argument seems to boil down to his having been conditioned to believe in God, and now being unable to believe otherwise. He differs from most believers in that he recognises that this is the case, but remarkably doesn't see it as a flaw but as proof of the existence of God.
FD: you said 'risible'
How come I can't hear that word without thinking of Micheal Palin ?
OK back to this thread.....
I JUST got my Palm hotsync'ing again, so I'm downloading your doc to it now, Rex. I'll consider it carefully over a cigarette and get back to ya'.
(Mostly responding so I can find the thread again later.)
:Go to the article, "Why I Believe in God".
The title alone tells me the writer has no arguments, just "faith." I'll read it though, but I suspect it's full of nonsense.
Fark.....ya grouchy ol' bastard......where ya been? Nice to see you buddy!
Rex....I ain't readin nuthin till you tell me why Jesus didn't come back as he led his followers to believe he their lifetime. You told me to look it up myself in a bunch a commentaries ya big chicken! I ain't budgin till you answer me on that one.