LOL.....OK, I found one, but I dont think its these poor folks are either eating Pelican Turds, or picking up cocaine balls from the ground! amen, pass the manna!
Manna = Magic Mushrooms
by startingover 14 Replies latest watchtower bible
(Exodus 16:13-14) Accordingly it occurred that in the evening the quails began to come up and cover the camp, and in the morning there had developed a layer of dew round about the camp. In time the layer of dew evaporated and here upon the surface of the wilderness there was a fine flaky thing, fine like hoarfrost upon the earth.
From this description --
lay a small round thing, as small as the hoar frost on the ground
I would say it was more like the precursor to these --
Enjoyed that, frankie, thanks!
it goes along well with that thread where the question was asked, 'why does it have to be creation OR evolution - why not both?' I've long thought the truth was in the middle somewhere and not tipped in favor of either (fundamentally) extreme view... science explains nature, but does that exclude there being a design in the natural world? I never thought of the 2 as opposing until I heard the arguments, and those never convinced me because they were addressed to (literal)fundamental (Bible or religious)teachings which I don't hold to anyway. I've often thought I was one of very few people in middle of that 'controversy', but I see I'm not alone!
I can always fall back on: being a female, I reserve the right to change my opinion, in the light of new evidence.
We really are learning something new about our world and universe every single day, so I'd rather not put my opinions in a sealed and labeled box, which seems to be the death of learning - and I love learning new things! (glad that that boredom helped me exit the wt - when I'd learned all the wt had to offer and then they started repeating themselves and we studied the same material over and over, trying to squeeze something exciting out of the 3rd run, and 'new light' was really recycled and reworded old stuff... boooooring) Outside of all the boxes we force ourselves - and others - into, there's always so much to learn... and even better - so much to experience! And there's no guilt for thinking outside the box when outside the box is where you take your firm stand, lol.
ps - that vid was shot in the UK, but don't those mushrooms grow everywhere? Was thinking there were native American Indian rituals involving them...?