theinfamous one:
The Illuminatti is an old Judaic sect from Bavarian in the 1700's that would regularly meet to set foreign policy and dicuss tactics of world domination.
Many and most of the Illuminists were Freemasons, Chief Jewish Rabbis, Jesuits, and Kabbalists.
Modern Freemasonry was set up and popularized by the Illuminatti to proxy the dealings of what would otherwise be known as Judaic plots.
Today, the powers that be have so much control, they are out in the open with their plans.
The Israeli lobby group AIPAC which has infiltrated every sector of the White House and Senate, with Dov Zackheim, the perpetrator of the Sept 11 attacks, using Israeli Mossad (terrorist spy group in Israel).
Michael Chertoff, and Israeli Citizen who heads the opressive and Fascist, US Homeland Security Department. Wow its just like Russia , when the Zionist Bolsheviks ran the Check and NKVD etc... the current KGB.
Orthodox Christianity ( as a theology, not so much as a denomiation) is the biggest threat to Zionism/Freemasonry. That is why through out the years the Masonic Judaics have butchered and commmited genocide against Orthodox Christians around the world.
Jehovahs witnesses and illuminati????
by theinfamousone 31 Replies latest watchtower bible
Cyrus I. Scofield and his heretical "Bible" continue today to be idolized by Southern Baptist leaders, pentecostal and charismatic teachers, and millions of deceived evangelicals. In fact, as documented in Joseph Canfield’s stunning exposé book, The Incredible Scofield and His Book (available through the ministry for $25, plus shipping), Mr. Scofield was a crooked, adulterous lawyer who abandoned his wife and was paid handsomely by New York Jewish plotters to betray the Christian faith. Scofield planted "Judaizer seeds" in his Bible commentaries denying Christ’s heavenly kingdom, whereas Jesus had proclaimed to Pilate, "My kingdom is not of this world" (John 18:36). Scofield and his Talmudic Jewish mentors conceived of a coming worldly kingdom led by powerful Jews who would reign over inferior Gentiles for a thousand years. Jewish rabbis everywhere must be laughing hysterically that the preposterous Scofield scam has worked out so beautifully over the years.
Early years
Scofield was born in Lenawee County, Michigan, on August 19, 1843. He studied law in St. Louis, Missouri and moved to Topeka, Kansas, where he was admitted to the bar in 1869. He was a member of the Kansas legislature in 1870-71 and was appointed United States district attorney for Kansas in 1873 under the administration of President Ulysses S. Grant. However, in his legal career, Scofield began drinking heavily and ran up substantial debts. He was replaced as U.S. attorney and served a brief jail sentence for forgery in 1879.
While in jail, Scofield underwent a religious conversion and became a Christian. As a neophyte Christian, Scofield was profoundly influenced and indeed schooled by the Rev. James H. Brookes, the minister of Walnut Street Presbyterian Church, St. Louis also known as ‘The Father of American Dispensationalism’. Brookes helped Scofield in his study of the Bible and introduced him to dispensational teaching. [edit]
Later years
In 1883 Scofield was ordained as a Congregationalist minister and at the encouragement of Rev. Brookes accepted a pastorship of the First Congregational Church in Dallas Texas. Scofield was called as an associate pastor of Moody Church, Northfield, Massachusetts from 1895-1902. After this, he returned to his former Dallas church to continue his ministry. [edit]
Biblical studies
Scofield developed a correspondence Bible study course that became the basis of the work for which he is chiefly remembered, the Scofield Reference Bible, a widely circulated and popular annotated study Bible that was first published in 1909 by Oxford University Press. This Bible teaches the theology of dispensationalism devised in the nineteenth century by John Nelson Darby, and it was largely through the influence of Scofield's notes on the Bible that dispensationalism became influential among fundamentalist Christians in the U.S.A.
This belief system sees a distinction between the Church described in the New Testament and the promises made by God in the Old Testament to ancient Israel -- i.e. there are two peoples of God with two different destinies, ethnic Israel (OT) contrasted to the spiritual church (NT). It is one of the intellectual foundations of Christian Zionism, a belief that Christians are obliged to support the Jewish state of modern Israel (as the people of God) not only as a matter of morality but as an item of faith.
Scofield's work was based upon the King James Version, but in recent years his notes have been updated and applied to the New International Version as well. His study Bible has now greatly influenced several generations of evangelical pastors; although his ideas have gained widespread acceptance in evangelical circles their acceptance is far from universal. [edit]
- "Optimists" patter of peace when there is no peace, and will not see that the evils from which the philosophers would save us are as old as the human race itself. Every method whereby the race has sought to realize the deathless vision has been tried to the dregs, and has failed. The futility of the ideal commonwealth of Plato and the others is precisely the futility of all superficial optimism --- the notion that for the common good, men are going to give up ambition, greed, and pride. But that which has sought expression in the Utopias, stands boldly forth in Scripture as a revealed purpose of God.
- What do the Prophets Say, (1918)
- Ernest R. Sandeen, The Roots of Fundamentalism, British and American Millenarianism, 1800-1930 (Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1970)
- Charles G. Trumball, The Life Story of C. I. Scofield (Oxford University Press, New York, 1920)
- John Gerstner, Wrongly Dividing the Word of Truth (Brentwood, Tennessee, Wolgemuth & Hyatt, 1991)
- Joseph M. Canfield, The Incredible Scofield and His Book (Ross House Books, Vallecito, California, 1988)
External links
- Ernest Reisinger, 'A History of Dispensationalism in America' (
- C. I. Scofield Books
- "Optimists" patter of peace when there is no peace, and will not see that the evils from which the philosophers would save us are as old as the human race itself. Every method whereby the race has sought to realize the deathless vision has been tried to the dregs, and has failed. The futility of the ideal commonwealth of Plato and the others is precisely the futility of all superficial optimism --- the notion that for the common good, men are going to give up ambition, greed, and pride. But that which has sought expression in the Utopias, stands boldly forth in Scripture as a revealed purpose of God.
The problem actually begins when ones eternal salvation is equated with recognition of the leader. While it is true that this attitude is expressed by "Jehovah's Witnesses", this attitude was never expressed by Pastor Russell, whom they incorrectly claim as their founder.”
Ianone:The anit-semitic comment smarted, didn't it?
Remember that experience when you continue throwing labels around and attacking others...
watch the tower
I'm surprised at you. Have you been researching and reading about occult practices and bloodlines? Tut, tut, tut!
For ppl who are reading this, it is in reference to another thread where I criticized littletoe for indulging in Satanic works of literature by Blavatsky and Pike as a 'true Christian'.
There is a slight difference between my source and the sources that you mentioned.
Springmeier's material is designed to EXPOSE the occult practices and bloodline, Blavatsky and Pike's material is designed to PROMOTE occult practices.
Just like this message board exposes the WT and the WT magazine promotes the WT. There is a slight difference between the reading of the two dont you think? If you're not sure... check with the elders.
Blavatsky was in the woman's Masonic lodge and started the blasphemous and satanic Theosophical Society.
So when the JW, Catholic, Zion, Mormon, Communist, Bush, Illuminati New World Order takes over which part of the conspiracy would it be best to be part of:
1/ The weak gentiles who ae being enslaved?
2/ One of the above?
I'm looking forward to my slice of world domination hehehehehehe -
The Saints of Jesus shall do exploits till the END. The reward is theirs.
so what exploits do you do?
Since I was a JW Elder, and I fully believed what they had to say until I was converted (by the grace of God), I've since taken the position of never letting another person tell me what I should or shouldn't believe. If it's something that holds an interest to me I will research the source, rather than let anti-this-that-or-the-other dictate my position.Just as I wouldn't take a site such as this as providing factual information without further personal research (and it's just as well, in the case of this and similar threads), not would I take anti-Masonic sources at face value, without holding to a similar standard. Credulity isn't a grace, ya know?
If you want to believe what others have written, when the original source materials are widely available, feel free. That is your choice, just as mine is mine. Informing oneself doesn't require buying into the philosophy researched.
Do you take similar issue with people who read Watchtower and Awake! magazines, to show the flaws?