JW teenagers response to why he doesn't celebrate holidays, GAWD

by Jez 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jez

    Sitting at work today. A 16 year old student that is a JW answers the question of why do they not celebrate any holidays with the following:

    "Basically, we don't celebrate anything that the bible does not tell us to celebrate."

    I almost choked on my pencil wanting to say something, then decided to keep the pencil in my mouth to avoid saying something.

    So I will say something to him, here, where it is safe.

    "WHAT! Where does the bible say to celebrate weddings or anniversaries, or baby or wedding showers, or a going away party or a graduation party or a pioneer party or the numerous other 'celebrations' that you hold? Come on, you can do better than that (insert name) THINK about what you are saying, don't just spew off a prerecorded answer!"


  • carla

    What's a Pioneer party?

  • Jez

    Carla: I have went to parties for someone that has just become a regular pioneer or a special pionner off to another country.


  • bebu

    Your story makes me recall giving a pre-recorded answer when I was high school about some denominational question. The people with me gave some really scornful comments, accusing me of just regurgitating and being a robot. It was not bad of them to challenge me, but their method was quite rude.

    So, I was prodded to think further, certainly, but I felt hurt. I think they turned out right in the technical sense, but their thick pride and rudeness contradicted their beliefs on a more important level. I resolved that I wouldn't be so in-your-face rude or smug if I ever had to confront someone who was simply naive in their opinions.

    I think your objections were excellent ones to bring up, btw. I hope you can share them with her.


  • enigmatic

    i never got that anniversarys are quite all right and so are baby showers... i asked my practing dub family members about this, and of course they show me where the bad things happened to people around birthdays...there answer was it puts to much attention on one person...hello!!! mcfly!!! no reasoning with these people sometimes... J

  • garybuss

    Religion can't be rational. If it was it'd be something . . . but not religion.
    It's not fair to ask religious people to think. If they could think, they just may not be involved in religion.
    A 16 year old kid isn't old enough to think yet. He's still a victim of his parent's superstitions, traditions, delusions, and assumptions. I'd just be nice to em, treat them with respect. That's something they'll remember and appreciate.
    I would have appreciated some common kindness when I was 16. I got crap at the Kingdom Hall, crap at home and crap at school. I just had a small handful of friends and I love em all to this day.

  • Jourles

    I could never figure out why it was wrong to have a party for someone who was recently reinstated. Jesus' own words said it was OK to do(I guess the prodigal son wasn't meant to be used as an example). But no, the WTS adds to replaces what the bible says and tells us that someone in the hall might be stumbled lest we clap after the reinstatement announcement. The horror of it all if a party was to be had!

  • Jez
    hello!!! mcfly!!!

    My computer screen has sunflower seeds on it now thanks to this comment. :)

    One person clapped at MY reinstatement! It was hilarious. She came up afterwards and we actually had a good chuckle about it. She said she was embarrassed but thought that it was only right that I should be congratulated.

    Religion is not rational or it would not be religion. Good point and one I won't forget. I am only sad that he is so conditioned to respond to such questions that 'thinking' about his answer is unnecessary.

    I would never say anything to this boy as I work in the school he attends. I would never be anything but kind to him, if I could ever get the chance to say something outside of school. I just needed to vent and pretend that I COULD for once, say exactly what was running through my mind.


  • garybuss

    I understand Jez, I feel like shaking some people but I hug them instead and I sleep good at night.

  • Jez

    Did I ever tell you Gary that you are just a big teddy bear that I would love to hug up?


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